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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 17- Kiss The Girl

I lay on Jack as he warped one arm around my waist and played with my hair.

“We start recording in a few weeks.” He said.

“I take it you have to stay in L.A.” I said half asleep.

“Yeah, but… I want you to come with me.” He said.

“I can’t just drop school.” I yawned.

“Shit, I actually forgot about school. Look how about you come every other weekend or something?”

“I don’t know. It depends, McDowell hates my class so I might get work like I have now that I have to do so I don’t know.”

“Jerr, we never have time for each other anymore and I don’t like it.”

“Just a few hours ago you were telling me how horny I make you now we don’t see each other?”

I was paying attention to the conversation but I really wanted Jack to shut up and for me to go to sleep.

“It’s both honestly. When I am around you, you make me horny but also honestly this is normally done in the rare time I see you.”

“Jack.” I said half asleep.


“Shut the fuck up.” I said getting ready to pass out.

He laughed a little. “Ok, good night.”

I didn’t say anything because I had fallen asleep. I felt him laughed a little and he held me tighter.

That was another reason I loved him. He was honest and he let me push him around. Not to the point to make me think he didn’t have any balls but to where he understood why I was making him do something.


“You are my sun shine my only sunshine! You make me happy! When skies are gray!” I heard Jack singing in his nasally voice.

I rolled my eyes and got up to go into the bathroom that was in my room.

“Shut up.” I laughed.

“You never know dear how much I love you! Please don’t take my sunshine awa- What the fuck!” Jack jumped out the shower as I flushed the toilet.

I laughed and threw a towel at him. He smirked. “Aww what’s wrong, don’t wanna see what you don’t wanna touch?”

“I never said I didn’t want to its more of I’m not ready to.”

“Bull shit.” He said kissing me.

He tried to make the kiss deeper as he pushed me on the bed and slid off my tank top.

“Stop.” I said pulling away as he went to my neck.


“Do you really want to have sex, while Casey is in the other room sleeping and my parents are down stairs?”

“Shit! Jerry… ugh.” He said getting a little frustrated.

“What?” I asked unaware.

“I’m horny! And you’re killing the mood! I was just fine until you reminded me of who was in this house!” He said putting his hands on his hips

“Um.” I saw “mom” in the door. I was standing in my bra and pajama shorts while Jack was only in a towel. What a way to look when your mom is at the door.

Jack and I got horrified looks on our faces as mom slipped away.

“And the door was open.” He said looking down. “What a way to start thanksgiving.” He said.


Some of dinner was a little awkward since my Mom was there to hear Jack’s feelings about… Yeah you know.

“Why are you three so quiet?” Casey asked.

All of us shrugged at the same time. “Well Jerry and I are going to go to my mom’s house, I’ll tell her you said hi.” Jack smiled as we both got up.

“Ok see you later.” Mom said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Were we that awkward?” Jack whispered as we walked.

“Only a little.” I shrugged.


“Ma!” Jack called as we walked into the house.

“Jack?” She said walking out of the kitchen and coming to give him a hug.

“Hey.” He laughed as he hugged his mom.

He was always a momma’s boy but it was cute in a freakish way.

“Hello Jerry.” She smiled giving me a hug.

Just like Jack got along with my mom I got along with his. She was like a second mother.

“Hi Ms. J.”

“How is NYU?” She asked as we walked.

“It’s good. I get my degree in two more years.” I nodded.

Nobody had to tell me that Jack hadn’t told anybody in his family that we were together either, so I wouldn’t get mad at him about that and I’d wait until he would say something.

“Ew, it’s Jack!” May, Jack’s sister said.

“Yeah I know.” He said.

She laughed and gave him a hug. “Joe!” She called. “Hey Jerry.” She smiled.

“Hey May.”

“What! Oh hey Jack, you’re here because?” Joe said.

“Because, I can be.” He shrugged.

“Because he wants to eat, both of you sit down we were just getting ready to eat.” Joyce instructed.


“Wait you mean that was real?” I laughed.

“Yeap, Jack seriously got in trouble for giving his teacher the finger.” Joe nodded eating his pie.

We all laughed a little more.

“So Jack met anybody special?” May asked.

“Yeap.” He smirked.

“What’s her name?” Joe asked.

“Somebody.” He played leaning back in his chair.

I rolled my eyes trying not to say anything.

“Ok the guessing game. Is she a blonde?”


“Burnett?” May asked joining in.


“Did you meet her on tour?”




“Oh Jack give it up, what’s her name?” Joyce said irritated.

I saw where Jack got his impatience.

“She’s amazing. She has beautiful brown eyes and hair. Her personality is radiant and she never frowns or anything. She’s funny, smart and… I don’t know she’s just amazing.” He explained the whole time ,looking across the table at me.

Joyce, May and Joe looked back and forth at us. “Wait you and Jerry?” They all asked.

“Yeah.” He said not taking his eyes off of me.

“I don’t believe it. Maybe I did back then but not anymore.” May laughed knowing that I said I would never be with him.

I guess that we had gotten through everybody’s heads that it was hard for them to believe we were together.

“Believe it.” Jack said looking at them.

“Prove it, kiss her.” Joe dared.

Jack sighed got up then held my hand to get me up too. He held the left side of my face and kissed me.

Something had made this the best kiss ever. It was weird and there was a strong feeling to it that I loved and it was… Amazing.

“Wow, they really are together.” May said.

I thought it was scary how I was falling more in love with him every day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jack and Jerry a new banner is comign soon

Also I promise to get more detailed with things, this was just a small filler

But other than that I am suprised by the amount of readers and commenters and subscribers I'm getting! Keep it going!