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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 2- You Got Mail

“Well Jerry, don’t you want to know him?” Casey asked the next day while eating cheetos.

“Case, if you think he’s so hot why don’t you track him down for yourself?” I said.

“Because, he said you were pretty cute. Not me.” She said.

“Whatever. I’m going to check the mail.” I said getting up.

I walked out side and when I opened the box and saw a box of Twinkies with a note stuck to it.

I thought I would get you six more to make up for the whole box. Call me[i/]

On the bottom it had his number.

“Why do you have Twinkies if you went to get the mail?” Casey asked.

“They were in the box. There for you.” I said throwing them to her.”

She read the blue post it note on the box.

“Liar! Call him!”

“Why would I call somebody I don’t know?” I plopped onto the couch.

“To get to know them dumbass! Call him!”

“No.” I said.

“Gosh Jerry, you're so stubborn.” She sighed going into the kitchen.

I wasn’t being stubborn. I just didn’t care.


Everything as it always was was the same. I’d wake up, go to school, do something after school, go home, do homework, eat and sleep, then wake up and do it all over.

When I walked into the house on Wednesday “Mom” (I’m using quotes because she’s not my actually mom, just my adoptive one but she wants me to call her mom which I have no problem with.) Was talking about something.

“Why is there a box of Twinkies in the mail box?” She asked.

“Woops those are mine. Inside joke at school.” I said taking the box.

“Ok?” She said as I went upstairs.

I opened Casey’s door and plopped onto her bed.

“Yes?” She said with her eyes glued to the computer.

I only held up the box.

“That means he wants you to call him Jerry. Be like Nike and just do it.” She urged.

“How do you know that, and besides there is no note.” I said looking around the box.
“Open it you don’t know that.” She said.

I sighed and looked at the bottom of the box which looked like it had been opened.

I put the note inside this time since your parents are home and I’m sure you don’t want them to read it. But if you must know I’m waiting for your call. My name is Jack by the way

“What does it say?” She asked.

“He put it inside since mom and dad are home and he’s waiting for me to call and his name is Jack.” I said.

“Aww. He likes you and doesn’t even know you. And your being a bitch and wont call.” She said.

“Whatever.” I sighed walking out of her room.

I started to wonder how he knew where I lived. He must have followed me home the other night. I guess if he heard he was cute he tried to get you to call.

Over the next few days I kept getting boxes of Twinkies in the mail box. And over that time Casey kept insisting that I should call him. And over that time I kept saying no.

One night I was pulling and all nighter to type a paper for history. Talking about how our nation has shaped in the last century was not that great of a topic.

While I was typing I heard something being thrown at my window. I shook it off and turned my music up but after a while it got irritating. I got up and opened the curtain to see what it was.

It was Jack standing in my lawn holding a box of Twinkies up and a piece of paper taped to it that said ‘I got tired of waiting’.

“You don’t give up do you?” I asked opening my window.

“Nope. I’m a firm believer in perseverance.”

I laughed a little bit and he smiled. I shut the window and went downstairs.

When I walked downstairs he was getting ready to leave.

“What happened to perseverance?” I asked.

He turned around and laughed a little bit.

“I still have it.” He said. “Why didn’t you call?”

“You’re a stranger.” I shrugged.

“You just came out side instead of staying in your room.” He said walking back to me.

“I guess that’s my fault then.” I said.

“How about you and I get to know each other and not be strangers anymore?” He said.

“Sure, but without a date.” I said.

His face tried not to drop and show that he really just wanted a date. “I guess something is better than nothing.” He shrugged.

“I guess so.” I said heading inside.

“I never got your name.” He said before I closed the door.

“It’s Jerry.” I said.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Jerry.” He smiled.
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