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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 20- Girl Talk + Rian

“What?” Jack asked confused and shocked.

“Please don’t make me say it again it’s going to be awkward like it is now.” I said.

“Let me get a towel.” He said getting off of me.

I sat up and sat on my legs while he wrapped himself up. He walked back into the room trying to sort things out by using his hands and talking to himself.

“Ok let me get this right, you Jerry Collins want to sleep with me Jack Barakat?”

“Jack it isn’t that hard to figure out.” I said trying to figure out why this was so much for him.

“I know, I know, it’s just are you sure?”

“Yes Jack I am serious.”

“Look I know I’m stupid for acting this way but I just feel like I’ve been pressuring you into this.”

“You aren’t so don’t worry about that.” I reassured.

“So you’re ready?”

I sighed thinking about it and feeling somewhat confident. “Yeah.”




“Jack don’t make me change my mind.”

He laughed and tackled me again. “Yay! I get to deflower you.” He said jokingly but happy making me laugh.

Yeah, I was ready… I guess.


“You told him?” Casey explained excited.

“Told who what?” I heard Rian yell in the background.

“Don’t worry about it.” She called back and most likely walking somewhere. “What did he say?”

“He had a small freak out but its fine.”

“When are you guys going to…”

“Tomorrow night.” I sighed.

“Are you sure though? I mean not to sound like mom or anything but are you sure? You’re the old lady of the group who doesn’t put out and now you’re-“

“Casey.” I said stopping her and her babble that would make no sense and somewhat have no relevance to the topic.

I knew I could talk to Casey about anything mostly because she was my best friend/ sister and also because she was a good listener and knew what to say.

“Ok whatever ignore me, wait are you just going to act like you didn’t plan it, or like just do it? You don’t have to answer I’m just curious.” She said.

“Plan what!” Rian yelled again with his mouth full of something.

“Rian get out.” Casey said as she hurled something.

“Ow! What the hell?”

“Out.” Casey said again.

“Gees Case.” He said before leaving I guess.

“Sorry.” Casey said.

“Don’t worry I know how you feel. But it’s sort of plan. Ugh this is going to be awkward.” I groaned.

“No, no it’s not going to be awkward Jerr. Ok did you pack anything?”

“Maybe…” I said feeling embarrassed already.

“You kinky son of a gun!”

“Who’s kinky?” Rian yelled catching Casey’s last statement.

The line went quiet for a second (most likely glaring at him). “Jerry is kinky?” He said guessing she was talking to me.

I threw my head in my hand in even more embarrassment that I was in. “Oh gees.” I groaned.

“Rian if you come in here one more time nothing will happen for a whole month.” Casey threatened.

Rian groaned wanting to know what was going on as he walked out.

“Now everybody is going to know, this is so embarrassing.”

“Jerr you don’t have to be embarrassed about it, it’s natural. You know sometimes I blame your mom for you being afraid of sex.”

“I’m not afraid of sex Casey.” I sighed.

“Yeah you are.”

“It’s not that I’m afraid it’s not on the top of my to do list.” I said.

“Well I guess Jack is on the top of that to do list now right?” She laughed.

I groaned and fell back on the bed.

This was going to be awkward.
♠ ♠ ♠
Reported again? Seriously? Oh yeah and over the same thing spelling and grammar. Look I know in the last note I asked you NOT to report me but is this some type of joke, if so I don't like this one, but trust me I'm all for jokes. Blah whatever I will once again go through the chapters and fix everything just for those people who like to hit that red button.

Everbody Again