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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 24- Oh Snap

New Years had passed and it was the end of January.

"I wish it was April." I sighed.

"I wish it was 2008." I heard him smirk on the phone.

Jack and I still hadn't told anybody about our engagement. To avoid any questions as to why I was wearing a 3 carat diamond engagement ring, I kept it on the same chain as my locket.

Other than that, things had gone back to the way it was before. I was in school, he was touring again.

"It will be here before you know it." I smiled.

"I can hear your smile." He said.

"I can hear your smirk. Ugh, I have to go. I think I have something due tomorrow." I said.

"All right, don't kill yourself before we can get married." He joked.

"I'll try. Bye."

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you too."

I was in my calendar trying to figure out when my stuff was due. I flipped through the pages and realized something.

I was three weeks late. I had to do the math in my head. I was supposed to get my period the week after Jack and I had sex a second, fourth and sixth time.

"Shit." I muttered.

I banged my head on my desk once and regained my composure. Since
Janice wasn't coming home for a while I started to go to the store.

It felt somewhat awkward that I was at the store for a pregnancy test. I grabbed one, bought it and hurried back to my loft.

After waiting five minutes I waited to read my future off of a stick.

I closed my eyes, picked it up and opened my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
All righty guys. This concludes You Are The Cream Filling In My Twinkies. I've always wanted to leave a story at a cliff hanger. Well it's more of a season finale actually. Don't worry the story is not completely over. So do they get married? Is she pregnant? We'll see sometime this week or next week (I work now so we'll see). Comment and let me know what you think! Good bye until next time!