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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 5- Together Again


I waited backstage for the guys to come off. Since they were in New York and I was off for the summer I figured I could stop by. None of them knew I was here but Casey knew and that was how I got into the dressing room.

In case you are confused this is what has happened in two years:

After meeting the guys I had introduced Janice and Casey to them, causing everybody to become friends. The guys had begun to get well known and ended up getting signed the day after graduation. Janice and I graduated and went to NYU. I was a music major. And she was a philosophy major. While Casey went on the road with the guys, since her and Rian began to date.

True I didn’t thoroughly tell the whole story but I guess that will all be explained later.

They are getting off now.

I had to admit I was a little nervous seeing the guys after two years, but I knew it would go away when I would see them.

“Dude, did you see that girl that flashed- Jerry?” Alex asked.

I smiled. “Holy shit Jerry.” Zack said attacking me with a hug and spinning me around causing me to laugh.

“What are you doing here?” Alex asked giving me a hug.

“Just came to see you guys.” I said.

“Well, we missed you too.” Rian said.

I laughed a little. “Where is Jack?” I asked noticing he wasn’t with them.

“Uh we don’t know.” The guys all said at different times.

“It’s ok, I think I can handle the fact that he’s somewhere making out with some girl.” I scoffed.

“How did you know that?” They all asked.

“Because I know you guys.” I said.

I guess that now I could admit that it did bother me a little bit that I knew what Jack was doing but then it was partly my fault. Three words could have possibly changed both of our lives, maybe more. But I wouldn’t know.

“And that is girl number 4 of- Jerry?” Jack said walking in and stopping when he saw me.

“Hola.” I smiled before he attacked me with a hug.

“I would ask you if it bothers you about what I was going to say but of course you don’t give a fuck, why are you here?” He said.

“I just came to visit.” I laughed as he put me down.

“Oh yeah NYU.” He said hitting his forehead. “Well since we are here all week you and me missy have some catching up to do!” He said tackling me onto the couch that was in the room.

I couldn’t say I didn’t miss him.
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Sorry for the shortness (thats what he said last night [not to me though i'm single]) Sorry for my short attention span... HEY A KITTY... but other than that sorry for the short chapter