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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 6- Walking In The Night

“So, what have you been up to for the past… two years, damn.” He said realizing the time frame.

I laughed a little. “Just school. There is no need to ask what you’ve been up to.” I said as we wondered around the lit streets of New York.

He laughed a little. “True. But then what is that supposed to mean?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I shook my head.

“Oh Jerry, that is pure bull shit.” He laughed.

I couldn’t pretend that what happened the last time we saw each other happened. It was hard not to, it didn’t and did change everything.

“You and your bull shit meter.” I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever. So would you mind telling me why you left like you did?”

“No, not really.” I shrugged.

“Why not, oh yeah I remember, right after I had said I loved you and kissed you, you ran away and two years later bam you’re back.” He said showing his anger.

“Jack, it’s hard to explain…”

“Ok, then I understand if it’s hard to explain, but try to. You could have answered the phone when I called. Or reply to an email at least, hell fucking… send a pigeon if you have to. All I wanted to do was to talk.”

“Ok, Jack, I get it.” I said stopping because I didn’t want to hear how I screwed up. “If you’re going to be pissed off with me then I should just go back home.” I threatened.

“Oh I can be pissed off at you some other time, I just wanted to let you know. So I’m done for now.” He reassured.

He was always bipolar. He’ll scream at Zack for something and then he give him a hug right after. And that’s why I… shit not this again.

“Good.” I said as we started walking again.

“Good. You know I forgot what I was going to ask you…” He said beginning to think.

“What’s new.” I asked.

“Hey I don’t always forget.” He defended.

“You forgot to cover for Rian, when he and Casey, snuck out. Meaning you guys were drummerless for a gig.” I teased.

“Nobody tells me anything.” He said defending again.

“Like nobody told you to get rid of the paint you kept in the locker when you guys decided to piss off Bradley, by painting his car?” I asked.

Bradley was the cliché school jock. And the guys being the guys decided to mess with him for fun. For whatever reason they told Jack to get rid of the empty bottles, but Jack having the short attention span when a girl walks by in a mini skirt, forgot what he was doing because he got sidetracked by MaryAnn Parker.

“That wasn’t entirely my fault. I forgot when I was talking to Mary. Damn mini skirts. But I will admit I loved your uniform.” He winked.

I rolled my eyes. We both flirted back and forth. Sometimes as a joke and sometimes as the real thing. Like Janice said, Jack was sex on legs.

“Where are you guys staying?” I asked.

“Hilton, the one a few miles from here.”

“Come to me and Janice’s apartment, let’s have a sleepover.” I said in a fake blonde voice.

“Yay lingerie party. I’ll be sure to bring only my boxers.” He said jumping up and down and clapping.

“Uh no.” I laughed.

Oh please bring only that.

Stop it Jerry. Friends only. friends
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another short chapter but i promise to make the next one good