
Black Roses;

There were roses everywhere. Assorted beautiful colors flooded the bright green grass in which I laid. Pink, purple, red, yellow.. Even black. The sky was bright blue, with no white puffy clouds to murder the sun or the rays of heat shining down on my newly tan skin. A small breeze came whisking by, making the birds sing and the flowers dance.

I stood from my spot in grass, laughing to myself as I watched the butterflies dance around my body, but something was pulling on my heart so I led myself away from the sunny scene. I ended up at the side of a large house, stuck in between the gorgeous Summer day or the constant City left. With a small grin, I waved goodbye to the flowers and set off for the street.

Suddenly, it was nigh time. The bright lights grew like it was Christmas. All the cars and taxi’s honked their horns in attempt to speed the world up, but only those out in the moment of the life could continue. I pushed my way through the busy street. Bodies were pressed so tightly against each other, but I found comfort in the mess. It was where I belonged. It was all I’ve ever known.

I moved through the crowd to the best part of the City- The strip. It was filled with happy faces, neon lights, and more life than you could ever imagine. No matter where I stepped I could hear a new conversation, and just as I was about to engage in one of my own, the city turned black and the only sounds I could hear were those of the muddy creek my body landed in.

“Daelyn, please wake up!”

The familiar sound of tears made my body crash back into emotion. Out of nowhere, the content feeling I had walking the busy streets turned into pain. I could taste my own blood dripping into my mouth, along the water that was covering most of my face.

I let out a deep breath. My lungs burned like fire, causing me to scream in a way that I had never done before. The pain was like nothing else. It made me wish I were dead. I noticed Jane’s dark figure beside me. Her body was shaking with sobs. I would have tried to comfort her by telling her I was alive, but I couldn’t. My scream had done that for me. Besides, to lift my head, or any part of my body, would hurt way too much.

“Jane,” I managed to choke out through my own new tears. “Jane. You need to get help.”

I didn’t mean to gasp for air as loudly as I did. The last thing I needed was for Jane to worry about me so much that she wouldn’t get up and go seek help. I knew by the feeling in my gut, and the amount of blood I could taste in my mouth that unless we were less than five minutes from a phone, life for me as I knew it would be over.
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