
City Girl;

I lived in a small neighborhood. In fact, I’d say there were maybe three or four houses on the end of my block, the rest of the area was surrounded by thick trees that tried to hide the skyline. I knew some older folks lived in the houses up the street, but the only person in this town other than my family that really mattered to me was my best friend, Jane.

When I first moved to this hick town, Jane was the only person who had the heart to speak to me. It wasn’t my fault that I was different. I blamed my parents for keeping me in a large apartment in the middle of town, where if there ever came a dull moment, I’d just have to step onto the streets to find some fun.

I couldn’t complain about living around here, though. Our new house was nicely sized, and I had to admit, the forest really was gorgeous. Besides, I always had Jane to listen to my problems. And with my mother trying to lecture me on safe sex, I only had one destination in mind; I had to get to Jane so I could talk about something other than what brand of condoms were the best.

“Mom, please,” I groaned. “I’m old enough to know what condoms are for without you explaining it!”

“Daelyn,” she cried. “Are you telling me that you’re having sex?”

With a thick roll of my eyes, I pulled my shoes on and covered my arms with a light jacket. That’s just like me, though, I’m always cold when everyone else is comfortable.

“No, mother,” I grinned. “I’m not having sex, but I am prepared if it should happen. Now if you would kindly let me go, I want to go over some homework with Jane.”

“Fine, fine,” she sighed. “I love you, honey. Don’t have sex!”

“Love you too, mom.”

I can’t possibly describe how happy I was to finally be away from that. It was lovely that my mother was so concerned, but there is really only so much of the word ‘sex’ I can take. Especially when it’s coming out of her mouth.

I gave a light giggle, pushing my long, dark hair out of my face before the wind could blow it into my mouth. Jane’s house was just across the street, so I didn’t have to take many steps. However, I was forced to stop myself when I heard yelling coming from the other side of her front door. I scrunched up my face, deciding it’d be best if I hid myself on the corner. I couldn’t make out the words, but the voice was strong. Strong enough to send chills down my spine.

I never would have expected the front door to fly open. I was so caught up in the moment, I couldn’t even make out what her father was yelling behind her. The only thing I could focus on was her figure darting towards the woods. I wanted to tell her to stop, but what use would it have been? When Jane was determined, well, my words wouldn’t even be heard.

Her father stepped out of the front door. I could clearly see a cheap pack of cigarettes in his hand. Naturally, I knew Jane wasn’t smoking, because if she was she would have taken my cigarettes. I gave a small huff. When would the girl ever learn? Life isn’t fair, and taking the fall for someone else would get you absolutely no where.

I inhaled a deep breath, giving my body a rough shake to prepare myself for the run. I may have thought that forest was pretty, but that didn’t mean that I had any desire to go inside. Truth be told, they gave me cold-chills.

I let my body weight fall on my left foot. I had no choice now, I was running as fast as I could into the woods. My mother had warned me before not to go in them. I’d seen on the news that coyotes were constantly lurking inside. But I couldn’t just let Jane go in alone, not this angry. She’d get lost in a heart beat.

I finally stopped to breathe. My ankles were sore from random bushes trying to take me down. I had no idea how far I’d ran. I was just hoping that after a few minutes, Jane would come into view, but she hadn’t. I couldn’t shake the thoughts that maybe something happened to her. That maybe she’d tripped over her feet and had a panic attack.

“Jane?” I cried, holding my arms above my head to breathe. “I smoke too much for this, Jane. Just come out!”

When I got no reply, I cringed. What if I was the one who had ran too far? No one would no where I was. Admittedly, I was too much of a city girl for this. I couldn’t handle all the trees, and the insects. The only decent thing about being here was the smell of Mother Nature.

I began to second-guess that when I heard head leafs cracking. The trees were thick, and I could barely find a space between any of them. My heart started to beat faster and my legs wanted to give out, but I stood strong. With a large swallow, I found the courage to speak.

“Jane-y Poo?” My voice cracked. “Is that you?”
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This is the first story I've ever written with someone else, and I'm super excited.
You guys should comment. It's makes writing worth it... <3.