
Chapter 3

Running is invigorating, it's good for you. The soft wind on your face, the sun warming your shoulders, birds calling to you from the trees. Unless you're me, then the wind is trying to knock you over and your lungs are burning because you made a habit of skipping gym.

I eventually stopped in front of an old tree, which I was unable to identify even if I really cared. The birds weren't chirping, they weren't even fluttering overhead. Instead it was eerily quiet and I began to wonder just how far into the forest I had gone, whether or not anyone was mourning over my disappearance yet even though I had only been running a few minutes. No one was supposed to go into this forest actually, officials had dubbed it too risky even for the bravest, huskiest of campers. There were coyotes, creeks, the occasional rabid rabbit and people had even claimed to have spotted bats out at night. My brother however, being the daring individual he was, often ventured in with his buddies to smoke marijuana when my parents were gone.

Well, I would show him. He thought he was the only capable one in this family? I would show them all how tough I could really be, I would brave the elements and whatever came my way with poise and rationality- "Holy crackers, what was that?" something rustled nearby, causing even the bushes closest to be to tremble slightly with the disturbance. I was unable to make out the words, but I could hear someone talking...Did people really venture this far at this time of day?

I stumbled carefully over some sharp looking rocks, my worn sneakers making quiet scuffing noises as I crept towards where I thought the noise was coming from, anxiety pricking at my nerves. Bending back branches like the outdoors woman I was, I stared down at the most curious sight I had ever laid eyes on.

Daelyn was crouched on the ground, staring at a squirrel. It didn't take an expert to see that the two were having a face-off, Daelyn with one hand resting confidently on a solid looking rock and the squirrel baring it's teeth viciously, obviously under the illusion that it was a mighty grizzly bear instead of a fluffy woodland creature. The squirrel advanced, it's tail straight up in the air as if to make itself bigger and intimidating, she raised the rock far above her head and chucked it at the fuzzy animal with fierce war cry. The squirrel fell to the ground, lifeless.

"You have conquered the forest, grasshopper." Daelyn spun away from the scene in surprise, then launched herself at me in a massive hug.

"Don't scare me like that, I thought you had fallen victim to the squirrels!" She released me to stare victoriously at the corpse, I wondered if she would take the bloody rock as a trophy, I wouldn't put it past her. Daelyn was my best and pretty much only friend, but at heart I knew she was a city girl and killing a squirrel was probably the most woodsy thing she'd ever done. Which reminded me...

"What are you doing here?"