
Chapter 7

Night came pretty quickly, giving us very little light except for the moon peeking through the trees. I had the rest of my life planned out, I would become a hermit and wander the forest and marry a deer. I'd have little deer babies too, though that would mean I'd have to sleep with my deer husband...I wonder how that would work....

Meanwhile, Daelyn was muttered nervously about coyotes as she sat propped up against a tree trunk, her arms folded across her chest while she glared darkly into the distance. Awkwardly, I tried to break the silence.

"Wanna be the godmother?"

She barely glanced in my direction, "The what?"

"The godmother. Of my deer babies." I'm sure my voice sounded whiny, but I didn't like my best friend being huffy with me.
Luckily, she was beginning to talk more. "You can't have deer babies, you're human." "I could if I tried."

"No you couldn't, it's physically impos-" Her eyes widened to the size of tennis balls and she shifted uneasily, staring out into the vast wilderness. "Something's out there...Something growled Jane!" She whispered harshly, I turned my attention to the thick brush surrounding us and prepared myself to run, as Daelyn was preparing to scream. We really made an excellent team.

However, I realized our preparation was for nothing as a small fawn stepped timidly out of the bushes, nose lowered to the ground as it watched us with big brown eyes. It couldn't have been very old, having still had white spots on it's back.

"Hey little fella, aren't you a cute little thing!" I tried coaxing is forward, though Daelyn was still looking uneasy. The fawn's large eyes sparkled in the flecks of moonlight as it approached.

"I'm going to name you Donald, would you like that Donald?" I cooed, holding my hand out like I would with a cat, if it could just get my scent...

"Um Jane, I think it's a girl. How about Lily...?" I turned my head to Daelyn a little too quickly, startling Donald a bit. I shushed her gently before turning my attention back to Daelyn, "Donald can be a girl's name!" Just then a large growl shut us both up, it was a snarling ripping noise that made my stomach turn.

Daelyn carefully crept forward, stricken with a boldness I could only envy, and pushed the thick branches of a large fern aside, revealing the most nauseating sight I've ever seen.

The terrifying thing was there was a blood-soaked, mangy coyote like ten feet from us and poor Donald. The nauseating part was it was ripping into a small doe (a deer, a female deer!) covered in blood. It's own blood. I gripped Donald's neck protectively as Daelyn's eyes got bigger than I thought physically possible. "Jane, drop the deer and run. Now" She whispered sharply and I flinched, but I couldn't leave my little Donald.
"I can't, it's dear to me!" Donald made whimpering noises, sadly alerting the coyote of our presence.

"Oh hell."
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