
Chapter 9

I lost sight of Daelyn pretty quickly, the girl was fast when she wanted to be. But I was comforted by the fact that she was probably far ahead of me, far ahead of me and the coyote on my heels. The coyote, being the muscular- or at least more muscular than I- animal that it was had a huge advantage on me. "Jane, a clearing!" I heard Daelyn's voice echo somewhere up ahead, that was a good sign. However there wasn't much I could do with this animal about to sink it's vicious teeth into my ass.

Now mind you, gym had never been my best subject. And exercise at all only succeeded to piss me off, but you would be amazed at what you're capable of in a life or death situation, I certainly was. So with absolutely no grace I flung myself at an oak tree and grabbed branch after branch in an attempt to get away. My plan worked pretty well, the coyote paced around the base of the tree, waiting for me to come down but not bothering to go after the probably long-gone Daelyn.

"Haha, thumb-less bastard." I grinned down at the once fear inducing animal and laughed, it didn't look nearly as scary since it couldn't hurt me now.

It wandered off quickly though, losing interest and once again looking for something easier to catch. I planned on chilling in the tree for the night, planned on going to find Daelyn in the morning probably up a tree like myself but my thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream of pain.


I swung down and out of the tree quickly, taking off running for the third time that day with every bit of energy I had left. I was heading towards the last direction I had seen Daelyn and quickly saw the clearing she had been yelling about. My eyes scanned the area for her, but I saw nothing.

Suddenly the ground have way to a steep slope and I had to grab a small tree to keep from falling. Tiredly, I pulled myself up and up until I was once again sitting on even ground. It looked like I had almost fallen into a small creek, the water shallow but rushing due to the small rain storm we'd gotten that day. I squinted in the dark to make out whatever was sprawled in the cold water, a lifeless form slumped again the rocky bank.

Suddenly it hit me like a punch to the stomach, a feeling I won't ever allow myself to forget to this day; Daelyn was laying face down in the water, a stream of dark red liquid running down her hair and into the water.

I didn't hear myself scream, didn't feel the cold water soaking into my shoes or even realize I had jumped in the shallow creep to begin with until I found myself shaking a limp Daelyn violently. Her eyes were closed, blood from the deep gash on her forehead was running down into her face.

"Daelyn, wake up!" I was shrieking by then, but my own voice sounded distant and far off, like I was standing in a well. There was so much blood, blood in her hair and on her face and now on my hands.

"Come on, we have to get you to a hospital, get up!" I had given up on trying to shake her away now, now I was just crying and sobbing and shrieking and feeling incredibly numb.