I Am a Jonas, but I Didn't Even Know It

Date from hell

I was still taking it all in, Denise having an affair on my dad. One question I really wanted to know was with who? Probably one of those toy boys or maybe a celebrity someone like Gerard Butler or Bradley cooper from the A team.
“ Hannah? You seen my phone?” Nick asked coming downstairs. Oh yeah, Nick's phone forgot to give it back to him.
“ Yep” I said and threw his phone to him
“ Why do you have my phone?” He asked
“ Well Denise stole it to lure me out to the beach house” I said switching off the television.
“ Was it because of what we did?” He asked sitting down
“ yes , and here’s the worst of it” I said
“ Go on” He said interested
“ Nick... she's having an affair” His eyes widened in shock , and his whole body froze.
“ Nick?” I asked, he didn’t move.
“ Nick!” I half shouted , yet again he didn’t move, I sighed then picked up a pillow and threw it at his head, and then finally did he speak.
“ I cant ----” He failed to speak the words
“ I know I couldn’t believe it either” I said
“ Why though, she was my mum and we were the perfect family well I thought we were” He said running a hand though his curls.
“ I don’t know what to say... except how I feel this is all my fault” I said , he snapped his head up when I said it .
“ No, why would you think that” He asked
“ If I have never came here , everyone thing would be ok Denise affair would have been a secret and you would still be the perfect family” I said
“ It isn’t your fault that my “mum” was a total bitch” He said , My eyes widened when he said Bitch Nick never normally swear.
“ What?” He asked
“ You said the word bitch” I said
“ Yeah so?” He asked
“ I've never heard you swear” I said which made him laugh.
“ I guess your rubbing off on me “ He said, I gasped pretending to be hurt then push him off the sofa but he dragged me down with him. As me and Nick were laughing someone from behind coughed loudly making our eyes turned to them.
“ Oh hey Joe, Charlie, Kevin” I said
“ What are you doing?” They asked
“ Having fun” I said then jumped up from the floor and sat back on the sofa and watched Nick do the same .
“ Ok... so anything interesting happen lately?” Charlie asked
“ Actually yes, something that you two are not going to like” I said looking from Joe to Kevin, then my phone vibrated , I looked at the caller ID ; Ian , omg I am so going to start having a panic attack. I slowly breath then pressed answer.
“ Hey Ian” I said , then looked at Charlie face and she was smirking at me.
“ Hey Hannah, so about our date, shall I pick you in about an hour?” He asked , an hour , how was I meant to get ready.
“ Yeah prefect” I said , mouth, stop talking!!!
“ See you then” he said
“ Cant wait” I said then he hung up. I looked around the room everyone eyes were on me
“ So when he's picking you up?” She asked
“ AN HOUR!!” I shouted, she let out a little scream knowing I wouldn’t have time to get ready but then she smiled
“ Don’t worry Hannah, We can do this” She said and with that she dragged me upstairs to get ready.

Charlie was a miracle worker. She had got me my outfit done my make-up and if I do say so myself I look fab. Then the doorbell went and so did my stomach.
“ Al-right, good luck” She hugged me then shoved me towards the door. I opened it to smell a waft of gorgeous colon to go with a gorgeous face.
“ Hey Hannah, wow you look amazing” He smiled
“ You don’t look to bad yourself” I said
“ Thanks, and these are for you”He said handing me a bunch of roses.
“ Wow roses their my favourite, how did you know?” I asked
“ Physic” He laughed then put out his arm
“ Shall we?” He asked
“ Love to” I said then slipped my arm into his.

(At the restaurant... outside )

Once we had stepped out the Limo we were flooded by paparazzi, flash over flash I was starting to think I was going to go blind but thankfully we finally pushed past them all and was in the safety of the restaurant.
“ Mr Somerhalder, usual table I assume” The man said
“ Yes thank you” Ian said so the man lead us to the table at the back.
“ Here you are, a waiter will be with you in a minute” The man said then walked away.`
“ So Ian, what would you recommend” I said opening the menu
“ Well the salmon is really nice but my favourite is the chicken” he said pointing to it, it did sound rather nice.
“ Well I know what I'm having” I smiled then the waiter came over.
“ Can we get the chicken for me and the lovely lady, and a bottle of Rosa wine” he said and gave our menus to the waiter, he nodded then walk away.
“ So Hannah, Tell me something about yourself” Ian said
“ I think you be too shocked to hear what's happened to me in the last 2 months” I said
“ Try me” He said
“ You ask for it ….” I started to tell me when someone at the door made me stop dead, Ian seeing this turned his eyes to where I was looking.
“ It's that um......” He couldn’t remember
“ Chace Crawford” I breathed
“ That’s right, do you know him?” He asked
“ Yeah you could say that” I said my eyes still fixed on Chace and his … date. Chace saw me and Ian and waved at us, said something to the waiter and walked over to us.
“ Hey Hannah.. Ian” Chace said
“ Hi Chace” I glared , she smiled at me then spoke like he hadn't’t done anything wrong.
“ This is my DATE, Chloe” Chace said, empathizing on the date part.
“ Would you like to join us?” Ian asked.... ok hold up, I might just throw up.
“ No... I sure they don’t want to do that, do you Chace?” I asked/ told him
“ No we'd love to” ohhh he is soo dead. The waiter came over again quickly took Chace's and his date orders then left.
“ So what’s everyone talking about”


The past hour had been a nightmare, Ian and Chace had gotten on really well first mistake, and second mistake was Chace kept leaving not so subtle hints about the history between us and the biggest mistake of all , telling Ian all the horrible / embarrassing things I had done … for example; getting arrested!! he was going to regret everything he did this evening. I had eaten my chicken and it tasted like cardboard not because the food was horrible because it probably would have tasted better if I wasn’t so utterly humiliated.
“ I have got to go to the rest-room” I said getting up.
“ So do I” Chace said … another thing he's going to regret He gestured his hand to let me go first, so I did. He was about to walk into the gents but I grabbed his hand and yanked him into the ladies.
“ What the hell do you think your doing?!” I demanded
“ What are you talking about?” He asked, trying not to smile
“Oh cut the crap Chace, how did you even know where our date was here and on this day and at this time!!” I said arms folded
“ Darling …. that is classified” He smiled, making me sigh
“ Come on, you know you love me” He said
“ Yeah I do” I said , he raised his brows
“ I thought you hated me?” He asked
“ I was mad at you but I never stopped loving you and I probably never will” I said, he leaned and so did I and our lips touch and everything I ever felt about Chace came rushing back and I realized no matter what he done I l would always love him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and it would have been bliss if we hadn't’t been caught.
“ Chace!” I heard someone gasp, and at the door stood, Chloe. Before he could say anything Chloe had ran out and slammed the door behind her.
“ Well um that was awkward” He said
“ Come on we have to go back out there” I said, he nodded then I let go of his hand and walked back to our table... to find it empty.
“ Um miss.. Mr Somerhalder just left and he had a message” The waiter said
“ What is it?” I asked
“ He said he thought you were different but your just like any other girl he's ever dated” The waiter quickly said uncomfortable then walked away leaving me stunned.
“Well that was the worst date in my entire life” I said to Chace.
“ I've had worse” He said
“Course you have” I smiled
“ Wanna ride home?” He asked
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been kind of long since the update but it here now :)
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and thanks to everyone who has been reading and supporting my story!!!! xx