We Come Out At Night 3

Chapter 10


When I got back to the mansion it was later than I had expected it to be. I did stop and get ice cream for Marisol as I had promised her I would before I left. I ended up staying at the cemetery longer than I thought I would be able to manage. Spilling every thought in my mind to a head stone seems kind of silly, but it did allow me to say all the things I never got to say to Sammy while she was alive. I miss her more than words can say.

When I walked into the kitchen, I put the ice cream in the freezer and went down to the basement to check on Marisol, but she wasn’t there. In that moment, panic started to set in. If she left, Shadows would be pissed off at me for giving her free reign of the house and not locking her in the basement before I left. I went back upstairs and called out her name, but there was no answer.

As I walked through the living room back out to the foyer, I knew I was fucked. I sat down on the stairs that led up to the bedrooms and rested my chin in my hands. I fucking trusted this girl at a time when I was possibly the most vulnerable and she used it to her advantage. There was no point in getting overly dramatic about it, she was probably long gone by now.

I stood, defeated and turned around to head up the stairs to my room. You would think with all the money that was put into this place, we could at least have an elevator, but no, three flights of stairs it is. I let out a sigh as my hand turned the doorknob opening the door to my room. It was dark and I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was get into my bed and forget what happened today. Especially the part where I cried like a girl in front of two of my best friends.

Sitting down on my bed, I took off my shoes and then my shirt. I just threw it on the floor not really wanting to get up and walk to the hamper. Too tired. I stood again and took the gun out of my waistband and set it down on the end table before removing my pants. Now, finally down to just my boxers, I could call this night over.

I got into the bed and pulled the covers up over me and luckily sleep started to creep in quick. I had practically drifted off as soon as my head hit the pillow, but someone had other plans for me. I grabbed my gun of the end table when I felt the bed shift on the other side of me. I had my intruder pinned within seconds, one hand held a gun to their head while I reached up and turned on the light above the bed with the other.

“Mari? What the fuck are you doing in my bed?” As if I didn’t have enough drama already. She looked terrified and I knew why, but she scared the hell out of me. After I set the gun back down on the end table I sat up and looked down at her. “Now, let’s try this again without the gun. Why are you in my bed?”

“I saw a mouse in the basement. I was only going to stay up here until you got home, but I must have fallen asleep. I’m sorry.”

I ran my hands over my face and though my hair. I should have turned the light on when I walked into the room, but seriously what are the chances of there being a girl in my bed? Never mind, the chances of that are pretty good, I should have known better.

“You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I said looking down at her.

“I’m sorry.” She said again. I turned and reached for the light again. I lay back down after shutting it off.

“Go to sleep.” I told her as I clutched my pillow. She turned onto her side so that her back was to me and I never heard another peep out of her. My eyes were closed, but I was now wide-awake. On the plus side, I wouldn’t have to explain to Shadows that our little captive was no longer here.


I stayed away from the auditorium where Izzy was performing. She was so upset with me and I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable while she sang. She had regulars now that came to see her on the nights that she was singing here and I honestly think she had enough of a following to actually make a name for herself if she wanted to.

When The Rev walked in to my office, I looked up from my desk and at the envelope he was holding in his hand. “This was left at the front door for you” He said as he set it down on the desk in front of me.

“Thanks.” I picked up the white envelope and once it was opened, I pulled out a piece of folded paper from inside. I opened it and began to read the hand written note.


One week.

Or else.




I took the paper in my hand and handed it to The Rev and sat back in my chair.
“What do you think he is going to do?”

My hands balled in to fists in my lap as I looked back at The Rev. “I don’t know, but I’m not handing over Marisol that easy. Go tell the other guys to be on alert.” He nodded and walked out of my office. Frustration got the best of me and I slammed my fist down on my desk.

This fucking bastard was going to play hardball and I had no idea what he had up his sleeve or how he was going to be able to top his last visit here. All I knew was that I had one week to figure it out.