We Come Out At Night 3

Chapter 2

Vengeance walked down the stairs of the mansion and straight over to the cot where the girl was sleeping. He grabbed a handful of her hair forcing her to open her eyes and look up at him.

“Tell me your name.” He spoke to her through gritted teeth.

“Mari.” she answered with a shaky voice.

“Mari What?”

“Montes.” Her last name was a death sentence in itself and she knew it. Now that the secret was out, there was no telling what he was going to do to her.

He shoved her back down and stood there looking down at her. “So, it’s true. You are Marco’s daughter.”

Vengeance glared at her with malicious intent as she nodded in response. He took out his gun and aimed it at her, but Shadows and Gates came down the stairs after him before he would ever get the chance to get his revenge. “Put it away” Shadows yelled, but Vengeance wouldn’t lower the gun. While Shadows pulled up a chair in front of the cot, Gates grabbed the gun out of Vengeance’s hand and removed the clip before handing it back.

Mari backed up away from Shadows as he sat there and glared at her. “So, your father is my worst fucking enemy and you were caught breaking into my house. Start explaining.”

She started to cry. It was bad enough being there with Vengeance, but now there were three of them. “She said if I ever needed help, I could find her here.”

“Bella?” he asked

“Yes.” She nodded, but Vengeance’s icy stare was making her shiver.

Shadows turned his attention to Gates. “Go get her some food.” When Gates left, Shadows looked back at Mari. “What kind of help could you need? Your father is Marco Montes.”

At the sound of Marco’s name, Vengeance started cracking his knuckles. He scared the living hell out of her. “Where’s Bella?” she cried.

“She’s not here and she isn’t coming any time soon, so you better answer my question.”

Mari wiped her eyes and looked back at Shadows. “I don’t want to get married.” She cried.

“And that is my problem because?” Shadows snapped.

“Please, I want to see Bella.” She begged, but Shadows just folded his arms and shook his head no in response. “She won’t let him send me away. Please.”

Both Shadows and Vengeance were growing frustrated and when Gates walked back down the stairs with bag from the deli he could see it all over their faces. “Should I take over for a while?”

“No, Mari was just about to explain herself. Weren’t you, Mari?” Vengeance said with a wicked smile on his face.

She backed herself up against the wall and started shaking again. “Marco, my father, made a deal with a business man in Colombia. Part of the deal was me. He promised this man that he would deliver me at the end of the week. On Sunday, I am to marry this old man that I’ve never even met.”

Gates handed her the bag of food and looked at Shadows. “He sold his own daughter?”

“Sure sounds that way.” Shadows nodded.

The three of them watched as she sipped from the bottle of Diet Pepsi. “What are we going to do with her?” Gates asked.

“I have an idea?” Vengeance grinned again and the fear in Mari was creeping back up and spilling on to the floor in the form of vomit.

Shadows and Gates both looked at Vengeance who didn’t show any remorse. “Knock it off!” Shadows yelled. Gates walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel and threw it over the spot where Mari puked.

“Are you going to let him kill me?” She sobbed.

Shadows shook his head in response. “No one is going to kill you.” He stood up and put the chair back in its place. “Eat something before you get sick again.” He ordered her and nodded towards the other follow him out of the basement.

Once upstairs, Shadows smacked Vengeance in the back of the head. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Vengeance turned around and grabbed Shadows by the throat. “Don’t you dare ever fucking touch me again and so help you if you ever question my fucking motives.”

When he let go of Shadows, Vengeance walked out of the room leaving Shadows and Gates both stunned. They both knew he wasn’t himself, but neither knew until now how far gone he actually was.
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Yes, if you look at the characters above you'll see marco is old enough to have a daughter.
That's not even the half of it...monster secret ahead ;)