We Come Out At Night 3

Chapter 4


The following after noon, Kristina and I had a big fight. Our first fight since being together and I was really starting to lose my patience with her. She was adamant about speaking to Shadows about Mari and I cursed myself for ever saying anything in the first place. I followed her onto the elevator and knew exactly where she was heading. When the doors to the elevator opened again she stepped out and walked right into the penthouse.

As hard as I tried to stop her, she was a true redhead. Feisty, strong willed and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She didn’t take kindly to me grabbing her by the arm either. When she yanked it free, she walked right into the living room of the penthouse and interrupted Shadows and Izzy having breakfast on the couch.

“What’s this about?” Shadows rose from the couch and directed his question at me as I walked in behind Kristina, but before I could answer she walked right up to him and slapped him across his face.

Izzy jumped up off the couch as any girl would to fight for her man and shoved Kristina back. “What the hell is your problem?” She shouted. Kristina was outnumbered here and from behind her I put my arms around her pinning her arms at her sides.

“Let go of me!” She kicked me and it was all I could do not to lose my temper, but I held my grip around her and didn’t let go.

“Want to tell me what this little temper tantrum is about?” Shadows asked her and I squeezed her a little tighter hoping she would control her words, but no such luck.

“This is about you and your fucking ego!” She shouted and I stepped in front of her when Izzy came charging at her. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good catfight, just not when my girlfriend is one of the cats.

“Gates, did she have a bowl of crazy for breakfast?” Shadows asked me and I never got a chance to answer.

She walked right up to him and started poking his bare chest with her finger. “No, I did not have a bowl of crazy! You. ..Sick…Fuck! “

Shadows looked at me with the “You better get your chic before I slap her” look on his face and I knew it was pointless. Kristina was going to say what was on her mind regardless of the consequences. “If you don’t let Marisol out of that basement, I swear to God, I’ll call the cops myself”

Great. Dead man walking.

“You told her?”

I nodded back at Shadows who was seriously pissed off. Kristina had no idea what she had just done.

“What is she talking about?” Izzy asked.

Shadows was glaring at Kristina and we could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. “Your boyfriend here, has Marisol trapped in the basement of the mansion and is going to use her to get back at Marco”

“Matt?” Izzy looked at him and waited for him to explain, but instead of talking he grabbed Kristina by the arm and dragged her over to me.

“If you don’t get her out of here, she’ll wish she had died instead of Sammy.”

He couldn’t be more pissed than he was right now. I grabbed Kristina by the arm and dragged her out of the penthouse kicking and screaming. I loved her, but this was unacceptable.


“What is going on?” Izzy stood there with her hands on her hips waiting for an explanation. I could beat the hell out of Kristina for this.

“Marisol, tried to break into the mansion. I didn’t know she was Marco’s daughter until yesterday when he showed up here looking for her.”

She ran her hands threw her hair in frustration. “Yesterday? How long has she been there?”

“About a week.” I said matter of factly.

“WHAT? Are you out of your fucking mind? You can’t keep her locked up in the basement. I’ve been there, that place is scary as fuck!”

I nodded. “That’s the point!”

Izzy turned around and walked right into the bedroom. She was a hardheaded little brat if I ever saw one. When I got to the bedroom she was pulling on her jeans and I knew this was going to end up in a huge fight. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting dressed! What the fuck does it look like I’m doing?” she spat back at me.

“Izzy, you’re not going to the mansion.”

She looked over her shoulder at me and laughed before pulling a t-shirt over her head. “Try and fucking stop me.”

Did she not know who she was talking to right now? I walked over to her and grabbed her arm. “You have to trust me on this, Izzy.”

“Trust you?” She shook her head looked at me like she was disgusted with me. “This is why you were asking me all those questions last night, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” When she sat down to put her shoes on, I sighed and walked over to where she sat on the bed and stood in front of her. “It’s for her own good, just trust me!”

“Was it for my own good when you kept me down there? You were going to make me go work in the brothel!

This was going nowhere fast. When she stood up, I shoved her back down. “You’re not leaving this room.” Tough love sucks, but if it kept her there then so be it.

“Excuse me?” She said as she looked up at me.

“If I have to lock you in here to keep you from leaving, then that’s the way it’s going to be.” Without giving it a second thought, I walked out of the room and locked the door behind me. As I walked back to the living room I could hear her pounding on the door and cursing at me. I’d hoped this would stop soon, because I really have no patience when it comes to unnecessary noise.


When we walked back into my place, Kristina was shouting at me and I didn’t pay her any mind, which seemed to irritate her more. In a momentary lapse of reason, I had wished she were Ruby right now. Ruby would have done what I told her to do and not questioned my motives. Kristina was bright, inquisitive and headstrong.

I was truly pissed off at her right now and I knew that if I had stopped and actually spoke to her, it would get ugly. Not a single thought that was running through my head was pleasant.

After about another ten minutes of ranting and raving she managed to calm herself down. I sat on the couch with the remote flipping through the channels of the television and every time she tried to talk to me, I continued to ignore her until she finally gave up and walked away.

This wasn’t something that could be fixed with a simple conversation. She abused my trust, assaulted Shadows and put his trust in me in jeopardy. Oh no, this wasn’t something that I was going to let slide.

Later that night

I’d been sitting on the couch since the incident with Kristina earlier and the only time I got up was to get another beer. She tried throughout the day to get my attention, but I wouldn’t give it to her. I don’t think she understood the severity of her actions.

She’d even tried to apologize, but I just increased the volume on the television. I didn’t want to hear it. I was beginning to wonder if I made a mistake in letting her get this close this fast. How was I supposed to trust her with any sort of secret now?
If she ran to Shadows after something like this, I could only imagine what she would do if she knew that this was just a walk in the park compared to some of the shit we’ve done in the past. Shadows was pissed and that wasn’t a good thing for her either. When he was pissed, he spared no one. If he wanted her out of here, she would be gone and there was nothing I could do about it.