I Hate That I Love You

Lover Boy

“We could have taken a plane,” I mutter, grasping his hand as we climb on board the cruise ship. My heart hammers in excitement and I turn one last time, waving to our friends and family.

“And have you fainting? I think not,” Alex chuckles, putting his hand around my waist with a small wave to everyone. “Hasta la vista, baby!” He shouts to them.

Laughing, I hit him in the chest. “But seriously,” I turn to him, leaning against the railing and clutching the folds of my dress in the other hand. “Where are we going?”

“On our honeymoon, sweet.”

“But where?” I press him. “All I’ve been told is we’re going on some cruise ship to go somewhere. Nothing else.”

“True… one clue,” he grins at me. “We’ll be gone for three weeks.”

“What?” I cry. “That isn’t a clue, Alexander Gaskarth!”

“Oh but it is- Bailey Gaskarth,” he smirks and ignores my protests by planting a kiss on my lips. “Now,” he says when he lets go, “wave to the little people because we’re leaving now,” he smiles mildly.

I roll my eyes but do as he says, chuckling as I see Jack hopping up and down in his best man’s suit, hair very crazy. Missy’s clutching Zack and waving wildly herself, beaming like no other. Then she’s mouthing… something?

“What is it?” Alex notices.

I turn to him, glancing at the boardwalk. “Nothing,” I grin at him. “Missy’s just being her usual self.” I give a last wave. The ship’s moving and already it’s hard to make out their faces. “Now, shall we find our cabin?” I ask him.

“The honeymoon suite, of course,” he beams at me and we find a sailor to lead us on, since it’s late and most are going straight to bed because of the time or seasickness. We go down two floors and down a hall with hardly any doors- but that means they are bigger rooms, which gets me excited.

“Your room, sir and madam,” the man gives a slight bow, hands us the keys, and walks off.

I start to step in, but Alex stops me. “Never, my lady!” He cries dramatically and picks me up with a pointed look. I roll my eyes, looping my arms around his neck. Okay, even for tradition, this is just a honeymoon, it’s not really much and we did get married before, even if it wasn’t completely legal.

“Alex, this is just-”

“Our once in a life time honeymoon,” he gives me a sugary sweet smile and steps over the legendary threshold. “See? That wasn’t so bad now, was it?”

Shaking my head, I let him set me down and look around. “This is cute,” I smile. There’s a little sitting room right here with a couch and table, then there’s a little kitchen behind it. Then to the left is a doorway going to the bedroom and bathroom. We walk around, holding hands, looking at the style- it’s all old fashioned and royal looking, gold and wallpapers and the like.

The bedroom, of course, is the most dramatic, with a lovely makeup table and mirror with a chair, our bags next to an elegant dresser and a large bed with the softest, comfiest sheets and a beautiful lace canopy.

“Nice,” Alex says, enjoying it also. “We should totally do our bedroom like this.”

“Speaking of which…” I turn to him, curious and suspicious. “Your parents…?”

“Are going back home,” he chuckles.

“Oh good,” I beam. “No offense, but they disturb me.”

“Which could be good, cause I don’t want them around all the time,” he chuckles, leaning over and kissing me before checking out the bathroom. “Ooooh, that’s a big tub,” I hear him saying, and running the water. “It’s a spa, Bailey!” I hear him call excitedly. “And they have bubble stuff!”

I laugh at his easy excitement, shaking my head and peaking in for myself. “Indeed they do,” I nod. “This place is amazing, Alex…” I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Mhm. Perfect for two very amazing people, right?” He smiles cheekily, hands at my waist.

“Sure,” I grin, kissing his neck. “But now, I’m ready to get out of this dress,” I admit.

“Oooh, can I stay?”

I almost give him a look, but… I stop it. “If you wish,” I say at last, my cheeks already beginning to burn. “But only because I do need help getting out of it. Missy had to help me with it before…” I trail off with a self-conscious shrug.

Alex, happier than ever apparently, starts fiddling with everything all around as I start loosening my hair down completely, all pins out and the curls barely intact. “A shower sounds so good,” I sigh, just as the zipper comes down. Awkwardly, I step out in the lingerie Missy made me wear beforehand, and I try to ignore him as I put the dress carefully away.

“Can I join you?” Alex asks sweetly, eyeing me still.

I step towards the door and consider it, glancing at the spa and bubbles. Then I grin, looking over at Alex. My curls drape around my face and I hope it’s not too much of a mess. He looks like such a kid with that smile, as well… I laugh. After all, now we are officially married… “Why not, lover boy?”

It barely takes him a second before stepping over, his hands around my waist, his lips on mine. Like a tiger finally released, the passion erupts between us as we step inside the bathroom, Alex pulling his tux off, and I shut the door for the heck of it.
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Firstly, YOU GUYS ROCK!!! Virtual cupcakes for you all!!! :D ...I got over 500 comments, thank you.

Second, this sequel is really more of a long epilogue of their honeymoon, so it's only 7 chapters... well, less, if I want to take a particular something out...

Third, when I am done with this, I may.... lol. I don't know. BUT I will be going to college this fall, so I'll be busy. I'm really hoping to finish up all my stories on here this year [which is saying something cause I still have quite a few!!], and then maybe rearrange a few to publish, we'll see!!

Fourth, Alex is happy and they've consecrated the union! ....I'm a dork XD

Fifth, you guys are awesome!! :)