Status: ACTIVE!!!

I Love It When You Can't Stand Me

And so it begins!

I pulled my sweater over my shoulder and tugged Catherine's coat over my legs. Damn Britain. Nobody ever told me how cold it gets here. Catherine pulled our bags to a car in the airports parking lot. She motioned me to follow and help out. I walked over to help put the bags away and when I opeaned the trunk I saw two unfimular men from the rear mirror.
I caught one of their eyes then quickly looked down at my feet. I could tell from part of his face he was Chinease or Japanese or some kind of Asian

Just to clear things up Catherine and I were from California. We've got sent down for a business trip that Catherines boss was planning. Catherine and I worked as photographers. Catherine took pictures of models. Not just regular models but nude models. It wasn't so bad. It was actally kind of hott. I for one, I take pictures of buildings in countries so I do a lot of traveling. I can't do much serious dating because of my job though. Usally I'll screw the guy then have to leave breaking their hearts. People think Im a bad person but my job is the onley thing that keeps me on my feet.

Catherine and I finished loading and jumped in the car. Catherine intoduced me to a guy (who turned out to be her cousin) with long dark hair and really blue eyes. He was actally pretty cute. James. That was his name. James introduced me the guy next to him. The Asian guy. He was very attractive. His hair covered his Asian eyes. He had piercings and tatoos. He was gorgous. His name was Donnie

We finally got to a town house an unloaded our things. James, who by the way, annoyed the hell out of Catherine because of all the fighing they did in the car, helped me with my bags and took them to the room Catherine an I will be staying. Catherine gave him a 'what the hell are you doing' face at him from his kindness. James and Catherine were nagging at eachother when they left the room while I was unpacking my things and putting them into the dressers.

Donnie, I think I said that was his name, leaned against the door whatching me unpack. I didn't notice him til I looked up and gave a jump. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Asian boy, your so ninja!" I yelled. Donnie sat up on my bed and try to help me unpack but I stopped him before he could touch my clothes. "What!? Im just trying to help, gosh!" He said throwing his arms in the air then crossing them against his chest. "I don't want you touching my underwear, you probably have aids on your fingers!" I whispered loudly. "Stop trying to be nice, Donnie! Shes not ganna fall for you! She'll brake you before you can brake her!" Catherine yelled poping into our conversation.

What the hell. I never fall for people? Im a one time fuck-him! I thought. Donnie fliped off Catherine then dashed out of my room. Catherine fliped him off as well, then sat on my bed. "Don't fall for him, Zoey. He may seem all nice and funny, but hes a huge douche master!" She yelled jumping up and down. I laughed and rolled my eyes. We both finished packing then headed down stairs.

James squirted something that obiously wasn't water in a water gun and Catherine nagged about how he needs to grow up so this gave me time to talk with Donnie. "Man, Catherine is an ass!" Donnie said laughing. "What!? No shes not! You guys are just so imature!" I yelled then punching him i the arm. "Us. Imature?" He said mocking me. "You guys are just a little up tight.." He mummbled then walking away. "What!?" I yelled, but he ignored me. I can see what Catherine was talking about now. And I haven't even fell for him yet...
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hmm.. Im ganna edit this later. I just had to gett off early so i didnt get time to thik this though :l