
First and Last

You stumbled through the woods. “Jesse!!” You called. You stopped walking long enough to remember where you were. The Forgotten City.

“Well, well, boys, what do we have here?” Someone asked. You jumped and slowly turned around. You came face-to-face with someone with long girl-ish like silver hair and blue/green cat eyes. A member of Kadaj’s gang.

“Uh…..” You held up your fingers in the shape of a gun. “I-I’ll shoot.” You stumbled. The long haired guy crowded you against a tree. He had his face turned up in a snarl.

“Silly girl, all I wanted to do…was have you for a little snack…” The guy said. You almost screamed. But something in the back of your mind told you not to.

“Yazoo, now is that any way to treat the Lost?” Another guys said coming out from behind a tree.

“Loz, I was just having some innocent fun.” The one called Yazoo said fiercely.

“It’s always best to have their hearts pumping before the…show.” The way Yazoo said that made your skin crawl.

“Let’s let her have a choice.” Loz said. He shook out his short spiky silver hair and blinked his eyes that looked exactly like Yazoo’s.

“Me?” You whispered. “I-I just wanna find my sister and leave peacefully…” Before all the words were even out of your mouth, Loz grabbed your forearm and Yazoo covered your eyes.

“Works every time…” They chuckled.


“Alive.” A menacing voice said. “Yazoo, Loz, find her sister. I want them together to witness the New Beginning…”

“My pleasure.” Yazoo popped his leather glove onto his hand and mounted his motorcycle. In a split second, they were gone.

“Now,” The menacing guy said, he had shoulder length blonde hair and the same eyes as Loz and Yazoo. This could only be Kadaj. “What’s your name?” He asked slyly.

“I have rights, you know. I don’t have to.” You said braver than you felt.

“You’re so oh very right, but my name is Kadaj. Now would you be ever so kind as to you telling me your name?” Kadaj whispered really close to your ear.

“Blaine…they’ll never find her. We hid her well. Backup is on the way, Kadaj, they know---” You stopped suddenly. Kadaj pressed his lips against yours and your arms fell by your side.

He cupped his hands around your face. “I don’t care who knows what…all I care is that I finally got to kiss you before I die…” Kadaj’s face went blank and fell to the ground. He began to dematerialize in front of your face…


You awoke in a cold sweat…it was all just a dream…nothing ever went on…you kept that hidden in your mind forever…