Status: In process of being edited and revised.

▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ Lovley █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂

We all hate our jobs at some point.

"I’m sorry but the department of DFA is for the prevention of drug trafficking and other harmful illegal products that is used to abuse the human body, not help track down so-called “cousins” who stole your drug that you were apparently using for a scientific study at a top secret organization. Sorry, but we just don’t do those things. And I’m reporting you to the police, just to let you know.”

Abell unintentionally slammed the phone on its receiver harder than she wanted and made her own self jump. She suddenly had a headache and began rubbing the temples of her head just before taking off her eye glasses, those tacky horn rimmed kind connected to the chain, and she breathed heavily causing some co-workers’ glances. It was another day, another call, another frustration. Life couldn’t have been more dragging than usual and on top of it all, it’d be another month before payday. Abell sighed exasperated again, receiving more looks.

Fucking bloody mess.” Chief Lenton always put the emphasis on his swears as he came charging into the main office carrying over two-hundred pounds of weight, a lopsided toupee and bad shave. Abell could smell him from across the room, and put a finger up to her nose all the while hiding behind her cubicle.

“You’re a bloody mess.” She murmured now trying to get a whiff of her own breath. She hated being hypocritical but she at least came to work with decent attire. Really, her hair was always kept tamed as long as it was, and plus she had to make a good label for red heads as much as corruption they’ve been causing for the UK recently.
Abell had just been staring at herself in her hand held mirror looking for any breakouts on the skin. A little rough but no blemishes, her blue eyes were as lazy as ever, and her smiled that looked like a smirk never went away. Nothing changed.

“Cains, what the fuck are you doing?!” Shouted the Chief ardently with chubby hands placed on chubby hips and a chubby round face scrunching up to a chubby scowl. Abell dropped the mirror abruptly and stood.

“Sir!” She reported.
“Office.” He demanded.
Trouble, is all that went through her head next.
♠ ♠ ♠
Damn, how ugly was that first run on sentence?