A Letter to My Hero.

A Letter to My Hero.

Dear Jimmy,

So. I'm not going to say "I'm your biggest fan", because it's not a great way to start off any letter. Plus, I'm sure there are some creepy, crazy stalkers out there. But, I will say I'm an incredibly big fan. You have to be the biggest inspiration in my life. No, it's not my mom, dad, the Pope, nobody. Just you. I'm not exactly sure why you are, but you are. And you always will be.

I guess it all started when one of my friends told me to make him a CD, and he said, "Oh, and I want Afterlife and Unholy Confessions by Avenged Sevenfold, too." Of course, I had heard of your band. I mean, who hasn't? You guys are incredibly famous. So, I got him the songs, and I listened to them. I liked Unholy Confessions more, but now I love all of Sevenfold's song.

I guess back then, over a year ago, I'd never think that I'd be here, right now, praising you. Or that you wouldn't be with us. That was something I'd never expect. It never occurred to me that 'Oh, the Rev will die.' No, I guess I expected you to be here forever. Or at least I'd get to meet you first. But, neither of my theories were right. I wish they were though.

I find this really hard to just sum up in words right now. It's not that I have no motivation or I have no time to do this, trust me, I have both. It's just so hard to form the words in my head. If you were standing next to me right now, the only thing I'd probably be able to say is: "Dude, I love you." It wouldn't be a lie, either. Those three words are the utter truth. I've never met you, and yet, I completely love you. You are the greatest hero ever. You are so funny, I've read and watched about a hundred of your interviews. One of my favorites was the one where you were going on about how your only concern is Synyster Gate's appreciation towards you, and at the end, Johnny was like "I don't like to impress anyone... They can all suck my dick." That made my day. I tell everyone that they can suck my dick now, even though I don't have one. That adds more into the amusement, I think.

That's not really the point, is it? I don't know when I started to absolutely adore you. But, I can tell you, I've been prancing around, tell anyone you're my hero. I say a lot of people are my hero, like Oprah, or that one creeper down the street, or just weird people in general. But, you're one of the only people that I mean it. In all honesty, you are my greatest hero. It's really hard to think that you're not here right now.

I still remember. It was around four a.m. when I saw something on the internet. It said "The Rev Found Dead at 28." I stared at the screen for ten seconds, like "Whaat?" I was completely stunned. I read the article, and headed over to Google. Google is the answer to all my problems. Anyways, I started typing in your name, and the first one of the search suggestions said 'Jimmy Sullivan death'. I was completely shocked. I was in denial until I read three other articles about your death. It was pretty sad about how much denial I was in. By the third article, I was crying. All of them said the same thing. Dead, found in home, natural causes. Personally, "Natural Causes" isn't a good enough answer for me, even if that is rude. I just want to know what happened to my favorite drummer in the world. You're even better than Joey Jordison. But, then again, I like Avenged Sevenfold better than Slipknot. I think I'm getting off topic again.

I cried for a while; I was in hysterics. I don't know why I bawled my eyes out like that, but I did. I mean, I haven't cried like that in forever. I still kind of choke up when I'm listening to some of your band's songs. I always sing your parts in the songs, always. But, I did that before you passed, too, just so you know. I love singing A Little Piece of Heaven the most. It's very amusing.

Like, I seriously wish you'd come back. Hell, about a million want you to come back. Probably even more than that. When I went to sleep the night I found out you died, my last thoughts were "I wish this is a lie—a sick, nasty joke." It, sadly, is not.

I wish you'd come back. I can repeat myself over and over again, nothing will change, but I plan on repeating myself for years. I planned on being on of the first to get your new CD when it came out, and getting to see you on tour, and—hopefully—meeting you after the show. It won't happen, as much as it hurts to say or think. My friend got to see you, and every time we get on the subject of the concert, I say "At least you've gotten to see the Rev's glory" or "Shut up. You got to see the greatest drummer known to man." We actually had that conversation last Friday, and his mother agreed with me. I've heard you play flawlessly out there, never missing a beat. I truly wish I got to witness that. If I had one wish in the world, it would be to bring you back forever. If that didn't work, then I'd wish to either meet you, or watch you play the drums. I know it won't happen, but a girl can dream, right?

I can't help but to sit here, writing this, completely depressed, because, as of December 28th, 2009, the world has lost a great man. A great man that had many things to offer this world. A great man, whom had saved many lives, without even realizing it. That great man would be you, Jimmy.

My hero, my Rev, my Jimmy. You, through my eyes, are the greatest person ever. You're spontaneous, you're funny, you're creative, you're the best fucking drummer I've ever heard. You're a great person, and you were dedicated to the band and your fans. And, in return, your fans love you very dearly. Me included in this group, too.

Ah, I don't know what else to say. I mean, there are thousands of words I could say, but none of them would be right. You are beyond words. You're beyond everything now, technically. I guess, all that's left to say is thank you. Thank you for being here, for being in a great band, for being the best drummer anyone could be (and no one could ever compare to), and thank you, most importantly, for being who you are. You're my hero, and possibly a million other peoples' hero as well. So, I guess this is it, for right now. Hopefully, I'll get to meet you in the afterlife. I can't wait til then if I do. Goodbye Jimmy.

And, just so you are aware, you may be gone, but you will never be forgotten if I have any say about it.

- With Love,
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