We'll Make It Through

The Leaving

It was a hard choice. But here I am, sitting on my black and purple suit case in the front room wishing I had never even heard of that god damn band, My Chemical Romance. I was trying my best not to cry. I had told my friends that I was adopted but I didn't tell them who my biological dad was.

"So, your leaving us?" Christine asked at school. I slowly nodded my head as a tear silently slid down my face.

"Lidia you can't leave, who else is going to be my boyfriend?" Dylan asked. I smiled a little and remembered our inside joke of how I was his boyfriend and he was my girlfriend.

"We won't let you!" Eness yelled and jumped into my arms. I wrapped them around her.

"You guys," I whined.

"You're going to make me cry even harder," I said as my voice cracked. They enveloped Eness and I in a huge hug. Even Jessica who thought I could be a bit of annoying was in the hug, I could see her red hair on Johnny's arm.

But now I was in the living room, t.v silent, no music blasting from the stereo, and everyone sitting on the couch. My little brother was even crying, though he asked last night if he could have my room. My dad was silent, he had been that way since Frank visited. It's been three days since then.

I bit my lip, a habit I always had when I was nervous. My dog sat by my side and whined, wanting to know why everyone was so sad. I slowly moved my hand to her back, gently rubbing her.

We saw his shadow from the window and he knocked politely. My mom got up to answer the door. His eyes immediately fell on me.

"Ready?" he asked with a smile.

"No," I replied. I got up and hugged my dad.

"I love you Daddy," I whispered. He said nothing back as I moved to my little brother.

"Don't worry snot face," my nickname for him after we watched, "Drop Dead Fred" together.

"I'll still come back if I catch you in my room," I said. He didn't smile but instead wiped his nose on his sleeve.

I went over to my mom who was in tears.

"Mom, despite what I always said, I love you," I said and gave her one last hug, and grabbed my three suit cases and stood over next to Frank, starring at the floor. I wanted to leave with some dignity, and if I looked at my family's face I knew I would totally lose it.

"Here's our number, email address, address, and where you can contact me at work," Frank said handing them a slip of paper. He sighed and nudged me with his elbow and we Left through the front door.

I carried one suitcase, dragged the other one and Frank carried the last one. We got into a car where a driver was waiting. Frank helped me put the bags into the trunk and he went to go sit in the front seat. I turned to look at my house one last time.

My dog, Oreo was at the window, tilting her head to the side, ears up. She put her nose to the window like she always does when she sees someone's outside. I quickly got into the car, begging myself not to burst into tears until we get to where ever we were going. The man starts up the car and we drive away. I turn and watch as my childhood flashes before my eyes.

The whole neighborhood playing catch, city, racing our bikes, I always won that, playing hide ans seek. When i got older some of the kids stopped coming out to play, but I always came outside after school to skate, and just vent and listen to music.

Frank was talking to me as I turned back around, a tear slowly rolling down my cheek. But I couldn't hear him. I was in my own world that consisted of all my memories. I instructed myself to calm down, that I could come back and visit, and another possibility, running. A smile slowly crept onto my lips. They would never see it coming. I could run, run and never stop until I got home.

I could run to a friend's house, maybe Cece's or Chanelle's. I looked over to the car door, it was unlocked. I could do it right now, the car was slowing to a stop at a red light. I could open that door and scream "Kidnapper" or something like that. Or I could tell the court he doesn't treat me right.

But that might put him away, but none the less I-

"Lidia?" I heard Frank ask. I moved my eyes to him but not my head.

"Did you hear me?" he asked softly

"No," I only replied

"I said we're going to Europe, well Italy to be exact, We're gonna take you with us for a while then we're gonna put you in school. Lidia, I want you to have a normal life, I don't want the paparazzi or any of this shit affect you," he said.

"Then you should have left me alone," I replied coldly. He looked like I had just gone and slapped him in the face, but I didn't regret what I had said. He turned around and watched the road, the driver seemed to be oblivious to everything except the road.

We got to the San Francisco airport. Great even more memories to make me cry. We got out at some car rental place and the driver gave them the car and we took a shuttle to the airport. I kept my eyes to the floor and it seemed like the old couple in the corner were starring at me. I hate to cry in public, I hate having everyone asking me if I was okay, I hate people staring at me.

We got into the airport and checked in my luggage and got onto the plane right on time. Frank warned me the plane ride would be about eleven hours or so, and that I should try to get some sleep.

I nodded my head, tilted my seat back a little, rolled onto my side and starred out the window. All these memories flushed to my mind and it was getting foggy in the plane. Everything was blurring. And the tears were making it that way. I permitted myself to silently cry and make as little movement as possible.

It was hard to believe that about a week ago, I would have given anything to be in a seat next to Frank Iero. Now I would give anything to get away from him and forget this all ever happened.

I felt a hand being softly placed on my side, the first part of Halloween on his knuckles. He had a tissue in his hand. I took it and held it up to my dripping eyes. Guess I wasn't as secretive as I thought. in no time the tissue was all used up. I some how also managed to make the tears stop and I sat up.

"You okay?" he asked softly and put a hand on my back. I didn't look up at him.

"Just peachy," I said sarcastically. My grandma always said that. I don't know if she even knows I'm gone. And that made me realize, I couldn't go around saying "Mexican Pride!" when the other Mexican kids at school would call me white. I was about to cry again when a funny memory made me smile.

It was a reunion, all my Mexican side was there, some even from Mexico. My cousin, Clinton, put on "Lean like a chollo" and we all started dancing. I have a picture of it in my bag. All the Mexicans including my grandpa had our elbows up and were leaning back.

I also smiled at the fact that I was a total rocker but could still dance like the Mexican girls do. I could dance like the girls in the music video's do, but I would never be a backup dancer for 50 cent or R Kelly or something like that.

"You seem like it," Frank said smiling.

"Yeah," I sighed softly.

"You know, it's alright to be sad, I would be to, hell who wouldn't?" he asked.

I nodded, and folded my hands.