Status: Working hard. keep reading.

The Sorrows of Wet Land

Anna Bella

Welcome to my world of tiredness. I am Anna Bella. I am barley awake-even though I keep drinking coffee. When do they call us out to a murder scene? When I'm tired of course. Oh how I love to be a Crime Scene Investigator when I'm tired, not. Yes, I am a Crime Scene Investigator.

"It`s 8 o`clock and you`re tired?" My co-worker Tod teased, nudging my arm.

"Shut up, addle pate," I growled.

"There you go being weird with your big words again."

I glared at him, then saw something at the car we were walking to.

"I have brains and I'm not afraid to use them!" I screamed at whoever was there, while I ran over to the vehicle.

When I got over to my car there was nothing there.

I felt something wrap around my ankle. I jumped, well as much as I could with something of existence around my ankle. I looked down and there was a hand around my ankle. A small, but strong one.

"Tod!" I screamed, grabbing the book I had out of my hoodie. I slammed the book into the hand and it let go.

"Ow!" I heard a kid voice say and from under there out came Tod`s son.

I looked at Tod and rolled my eyes. "Jr. can you please go inside? Your daddy and I need to go find some villains."

The kid listened and ran inside. Then I turned back to Tod. "You are so irresponsible. That was so immature and I bet you got the juvenile to do that. And you know it`s against the rules to bring your kids to work."

I took the keys out of his hands and got in the car before he could say anything. I waited for him to get in, while he was frozen in his spot. When he did finally get in, I drove off.

It was only down the street, where we had to go, so it was a quick drive. While I was driving Tod said, "You carry a book everywhere, genius?" That was suppose to be a joke, a lame attempt to lighten the mood.

I didn't say a word. I knew he didn't mean any harm, but he did hurt me when he made fun of me. I already know I'm the freak smart girl. I skipped along in school a lot, obviously had to have, to be a crime scene investigator at the young age of 23. He didn't need to rub it in.

I parked the car, and he grabbed my hand and held it. I flinched. I had never had a boyfriend, because I had always been the weird smart girl. So I flinch at any sign of boyfriend like attributes.

"I'm sorry," He told me.

I stared at him blankly. How could he know that I was hurt? Could he read my mind?

"About Jr.," he told me, looking confused. Probably since I should know what he meant.

"It`s perfectly fine. I'm just dandy," I said pulling my hand away and getting out of the car.

"Details?" I asked, walking up to one of my bosses.

"Female. Tyler Smith. Age 24."

"How do you know?"

"She had her ID with her."

"How was she killed?" I asked, sometimes they would know already.

"Ether strangled or stabbed several times, not sure which yet. We need to wait for an autopsy."

I nodded and asked, "any more details I should know?"

He put his hand to his chin, as he was thinking. "A seventeen year old boy was said to be hanging around her. Andrew Muffers, her neighbor. Maybe check him out?"

I started to walk away then stopped, "Does she have any family?"

"Only a brother, Rodrigo."

I nodded and walked to the car and got in. I noticed that Tod was still in the car, he hadn't moved.

"You`re useless," I told him, sighing, and driving off.