Status: Working hard. keep reading.

The Sorrows of Wet Land

Further Investigation

"Mr. Muffins, where were you last night?" I asked Andrew, the boy who was said to be snooping around.

He seemed to be confused, or stalling because he said a lot of words in a row.

Like, "What?" "Huh?" "Why?"

I rolled my eyes, at this creature that some call a boy. "You were said to be snooping around. Now where were you?"

He looked all around the interrogation room we were in. Okay either he was guilty or had distraction problems. Just then his eyes dashed back to me, with those black contacts. God, I feel like everyone can always read my mind.

"So?" I asked smartly.

"At my house studying," he replied simply, as if he didn't take a long time to reply before.

I blankly stared at him. Which caused him to bang his hands against the table. I barley caught what he said because my eyes were focused on his huge muscles. "I didn't do it!"

The room started going around, from me staring. I was dizzy. But I had to stay focused. "Do you have anyone to verify that?" I asked.

"Lusifer," He told me. I nodded as if I knew who the guy was. Then I left the room. For two reasons, I couldn't stand being in there anymore, I would faint. Plus I had three trips to make. To the autopsy room, to see if they know how she was killed yet. I had to find out about this guy. Then of course, go talk to him.

Andrew needed to be further questioned, which hopefully Tod could do. You know, be useful once in his life.

So I started walking down the plain white hallway. When I reached the first room I needed to go to, I popped the top half of my body into the room. It was the autopsy room. I looked around the room for Drew, the autopsy worker, but found no one. Just where the bodies were stored, some tools, and dead bodies on gurneys.

"Drew?" I called out.

"Yes?" He asked, popping up from behind a gurney. "Oh dear, its you," He said smiling.

"Yes, sir," I said. "Do you know how Tyler Smith died yet?" I questioned.

"Oh yes dear, and it was quite fun finding out. At least something good comes out of death. " I watched the smile on his face and the sparkle in his eye. He was a optimist. So, he always cheered people up. I waited for him to finish.

"The stabbing that happened-which was a quite interesting pattern of stabbing- was what killed her. But for some unknown fascinating reason, he strangled her afterwards. Maybe to make his kill more unique. Murder is like a piece of work to murderers."

I smiled, not sure why, he just had that kind of affect on people. "Thanks," I told him, popping the rest of my body back to the hallway.

I walked almost right in front of the exit, then made a left, going into a little room. All the room had was computers, it was our research room I guess you could say. The computers had all of our databases on them. I sat down at the closes, unoccupied one. I typed in the name: Lusifer and the area: Wet Land. Only one person came up, he had a huge record, and it gave me his address. I printed it out, it felt like it took forever to print, but that may be `cause I'm ecstatic. When it was printed, I grabbed it and dashed outside.

I paused once I was outside. It felt so good. I wasn't sure why. Maybe because it was summer? So, it was warm, yet breezy? I wasn't sure. But it did feel good, and looked beautiful. Everything was blooming. Oh look at me, I'm a egoist. I am standing here thinking about how the whether makes me feel, when I'm suppose to be solving some poor girls murder.

I ran off to my car, almost crying, because I'm a horrible person.

I slammed the door shut, started it, and entered the location into the GPS. I was out of it while driving, since I was crying. So, I barley noticed when I got there, but I did. I pulled myself together, parked the car, and went and knocked on the door. I probably looked horrible from crying, this is going to be a great experience.