Status: Working hard. keep reading.

The Sorrows of Wet Land

The White Wagon.

I saw the cop pull up, the car much too noticeable, with their common white and black design. The first car missed my small town driveway and ran into my dried out grass. Grand, now what? As if on cue. I smirked.
“Are you Mr. Lent?” The officer asked.
“Hm, I don’t know, maybe.” I walked away. The man followed.
“There’s been a murder. And you have a record.” Grand.
“Sure. I don’t know anything. So don’t hold your breath.” I glared at the cop. His bumbling partner, a tall and thin woman with long voluptuous curls, entered.
I whistled foxily at her.
“I’m going to have to ask you to come with us Lusifer,” The fat one told me.
“What did I do now brother?” I asked, still slightly stoned from the joint I put out not two minutes ago.
“You seem like an intelligent individual. You really don’t smell like one though.” Sexy-cop told me.
The Sexy-cop, Anna Bella, took me in for questioning. They asked me a lot of things such as where I was and what I was doing yesterday. Eventually they let me leave, they had no evidence.
Ignorant as they are they didn’t even bother with checking my dirty wash. Had they done that it might not have been so tragic of an ending. Fools they are, all of them. It’s a simple enough scheme to pull. Act ignorant and the world let’s you do what you want. But you see, I have a plot for this world. A not-so-very-nice plot, but all the same a plot. And if I were to tell you my plans this story wouldn’t be very interesting now would it? As the story has just begun perhaps I should explain several things about myself. Aside from my lovely Victoria, I trust in absolutely no one. That is how the world must work. You see they have rules. If you let rules control you then there really is no point.
I on the other hand, I don’t have rules. Rules are pointless. If you follow rules there is no fun in life. Without fun life really is pointless. So I’ve found anyway.
But enough of my rant. I’m writing for only one purpose. To tell what happened and why. I haven’t even been tried for the wretched crimes I committed. I have a record you see, I was a bad little boy. I killed my family. And on top of that the drugs I’ve dealt and the women I’ve raped. And the murders and tortures. Rather pathetic that only because I’m foreign I get away with murder and rape and I’m a free man in this country.
Anyway, let me tell you how it happened…


“Come on Lus! Dance with me!” Tori pulled me behind her. Victoria is my girlfriend of two years. She is absolutely beautiful. She has wonderful curves and wears clothing to show them off. She has beautiful black curls that ring down to her butt. And a warm loving smile.
“Must I?” I asked getting up and following her. I smiled when she got her sad face and nibbled her ear. There were many other people at the party, one of them, Andy, had been playing cat and I-want-nothing-to-do-with-you with Taylor. She was so mean to him. Poor boy. So I took an interest. Victoria love’s it when I’m bad, the sex is always better after I do something rotten. I love that girl.
Anyway we were dancing. And Andy is getting his nadds chopped off by this bitch. I let it go. I got distracted as Tori was rubbing me very nicely.
Eventually we wound up in a bed room, I’ll leave it to your imagination. But I had forgotten all about little Andy. That is until he decided he wanted to party hard.
Andy was too drunk and he walked in, right at the good part, it’s comical now looking back on it.


Eventually we went home, and Tori and I went to sleep in the loft. Andy was at my house, he was too drunk to find his small town house, even though it was simply down the street. Idiot that boy was, he shouldn’t have drank so much. But he did. Oh well.
After he woke up I took him home, he was entirely too hung-over to go himself… Poor boy.


A knock on the door startled me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Love and starbucks,