This Letter, It's for You

It's For You

Dear Love,
I know that these words would never ever make up for what I have done. But I wish that you could take a moment to read this as I try my best to explain what I did and didn’t do that I should and shouldn’t of have done – But first I need to say something more important;

I am so sorry.

I should have been there for you after what that wanker did to you. You never deserved that and I should have been your best friend and held you as you cried. But I wasn’t there and I’m sorry.

I shouldn’t have lost my temper and yelled at you the other day when you were just asking for my help, I should have shoved my feeling to the side and helped you. I’m sorry and promise that would never happen again – It’s a big promise to keep, but I’ll do everything to keep it. It breaks my heart to see you cry and I’m also sorry at I did make you cry.

I know there words might sound like bullshit to you right now, but I truly mean them. I am sorry. I never want to lose you – You are my whole world, my angel, my shining star and I can think of so many other cheesy sayings but none of them come close to what you mean to me. You’re everything to me.

Now I am guessing you’re a bit confused over that last part...It’s hard to explain. I wanted to for years ever since I met you when I moved here in year 5. To me it clinked like a switch on a power board, I don’t know why, but it did. And I’m not just talking and meaning friendship here.

Remember when I wrote that song called ‘It’s For You’; that mushy love song that you loved, even though when I first played it to you I was so nervous I almost messed the whole thing up, while turning beat red which made you laugh.

Also remember after when you asked me about the song; who I wrote it for and I said it was just a random thing I had thought of. Well that was a lie – The only lie I have ever said to you not including that time when I ate the last of the Chocolate (I still have the scar on my knee from when I fell running away from you haha.)

So I better say who that song is really about now.

It’s about you.

That whole ‘mushy love song’ as we called it was all about you and what you mean to me.

To sum it all up into three words it means; I love you. I always have ever since I met you. It feels nice to finally be able to tell you, even if it’s just written in words.

And that in a weird kinda way explains a little of why I have been acting the way I have when you went out with that cheating dickhead – But it doesn’t mean that I should of acted like that at all. I should have been the best friend that I am to you. I’m sorry.

I hope that you took the time to read this. I truly am sorry and I love you. Like my song says; ‘this heart here that beats, is for you’.

You best friend.


Looking up from the letter she had found in her locker at the end of school day, she wipes the stray tears away from her cheeks and reached over to her bedside table. She grabbed her mobile phone.

She quickly pressed in the number that she knew of by heart and called, placing the phone to her ear. A smile pulled on her lips when she heard him answer his phone. Before he could have a chance to say anything, even a greeting, she cut him off with the three words she has always wanted to say for years too.

“I love you.”
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Well this was a random idea i had so i wrote it down, i've had it on my quizilla account for a while and thought i would put it on here too. :D

I hope you liked it!

Comments on this would be loved. I'd like to know what someone thought of it.