Status: Active but slow

My Sacrifice

"Stop!" My voice rang out through the bed chamber. My mom's glossy eyes turned to me, her face broken and emotionless. I sucked my breathe in through clenched teeth. "What?" The king snapped. "Don't hurt her." I answered, feeling myself shake, though my voice stayed strong. "What?!" He thundered, jumping to his feet, stomping to come face to face with me. I had to look up at him. "Don't hurt her." He hissed. I was speaking out of line. A peasant to the king. He raised his hand to strike me. Only then did my mom make any sign of emotion. A tear slid down her face. "Take me instead." I whispered, his hand an inch from my face.

I closed my eyes, awaiting his strike. It never came. Instead the sound of the doors and my mom being taken away. Leaving me alone with the king.