You Were All Yellow.

you know i love you so.

He lay so that his petite body was on his side, curled only halfway, one arm underneath his head, acting as a makeshift pillow.

The night air was cool, but the jacket he grabbed from Yami's drawer kept him warm. The stalks of grass obstructed his view of the tops of the trees, and above them, the sky. The pools of violet were slowly growing heavy with the weight of sleep.

He was so close...

Someone gently slipped their hands underneath him, gingerly lifting him up with the most care, so that his back was against a firm chest. He didn't need to turn to know whose arms snaked around his waist loosely.

"Found you," the deep, but kind, voice murmured. Yugi felt a laugh quietly escape past his mouth. He rested his tired head on the shoulder of his lover.

"Yugi," Yami spoke into the air. The boy lifted his head, humming a hmm?

The oldest of the couple moved his lips, kissing a spot on Yugi's neck as gently as a warm snowflake falling. "Look at the stars," his voice was soft, almost a whisper.

Yugi shifted a little, so that his neck could bend backwards slightly. Yami nuzzled his nose and lips lovingly on the exposed skin. "Look how they shine for you."
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you, baby.