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I've Been Afraid of Changing

Chapter 1.

I walked slowly to school, enjoying the cool breeze for a change instead of the ridiculously hot Vegas sun. I pulled open my notebook as I approached the tall building, making sure I remembered to grab my homework from last night, when I felt someone walking next to me. I smiled before they spoke.

“Hey, Ryan,” Will cooed, nudging his shoulder into mine, “How are you?” He asked.

I closed my notebook after scanning over the Chemistry Lab worksheet we’d been given the previous day, dropping my right hand between us, “Okay,” I muttered in a bored tone, glancing over to meet his gaze, as he placed his hand in mine, lacing our fingers.

He broke into a smile when my eyes met his, leaning over to kiss me softly, “How are you?” He repeated.

“Good,” I said sincerely. We entered the school building together, stopping by my locker, which contained all of my books as well as Will’s. Will has his own -empty- locker, but somehow all of his stuff slowly ended up in my locker. Will claims he has no idea how it happened.

“I’ll see you in Math.” Will smiled, turning so he was facing me.

“Oh, fun.” I smirked tiredly.

“I know,” He laughed, leaning into to kiss me another time, on the corner of my mouth before turning away muttering a, “Enjoy Chemistry class, Ryan.”

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head and turning to enter the classroom. I put my books down on the shiny black lab table in the back right of the classroom, next to the window. I picked up my pen and wrote today’s date at the top of the page. I started scribbling out a list of adjectives, all describing Will. Some were as simple as pretty, and others as odd as silky or cumbersome.

“Hey, Ryan,” My lab partner, Maja’s, voice cut through my thoughts as she set her stuff down next to mine.

“Shh,” I hushed, holding up a finger, scribbling through something and jotting down my thoughts, before they were gone.


I sat through a very boring lecture in Health class about the dangers of microwaving plastic, and I never thought the shrill school bell could sound so angelic.

I was relieved when I got into math class, heading over to Will’s desk and telling him about the guy who came to speak to us in health class.

The bell rang, and I sighed, walking back to my desk in the back of the room. The disadvantage of the one class I have with William is that it’s in alphabetical order. He’s at the front of the class; I’m at the back.


I sat down in my Economics class, opening my notebook and writing until it started. The teacher called roll and I raised my hand as he got to my name half-heartedly.

“You want to know how gay my parents are?” The girl sitting to the right of me said in an annoyed tone to her friend who was sitting on my other side. She continued before her friend could answer, “They took away my keys, because I failed my Biology test.”

“That’s so stupid.” Her friend whispered back.

“I know!” The girl exclaimed before continuing, “And they threatened to take away my phone if my grades don’t rise. It’s fucking school, what the fuck does it matter, you know?” She groaned, and I dug the pen into the paper as I focused on writing and attempting to tune her out.


When I got to lunch I sat down and gave a small nod of recognition as the group I sat with said ‘Hey’.

“How’s your day been?” Will asked, sliding over onto the bench until he could wrap an arm around my waist.

“Fine,” I muttered, “People are stupid.”

“We’ve established this,” He agreed, “But after high school, you won’t have to see them again.”

“There are stupid people everywhere you go.” I disagreed, “It doesn’t matter.”

Will’s head came to rest on my shoulder, “I don’t like it when you’re sad.”

I glanced down at him to see his lips in a pout, eyes wide as they met mine. I rolled my eyes, as my face broke into a smile. He mirrored the action, sitting up straight and offering me one of his greasy cheese sticks.

“That’s so nasty.” I muttered before taking a bite.

“Will?” Maja spoke up, “If Ryan were to mysteriously,” She paused, “Disappear, would you marry me?”

“No, Maja.” Will sighed, “And don’t try anything.”

“Should I be worried?” I asked her, glancing at Will.

“Maybe.” She shrugged, smirking down at her food.


“Mom?” I called entering the new house.

“Upstairs, honey!” My mother returned. I headed up the stairs, hand sliding up the unfamiliar banister.

“I’m going to call Jon.” I told her, “You don’t need me to do anything else, right?”

“No.” She shook her head, eyes focused on where my dad was hanging the curtains, “Go on.”

I turned, heading back down the stairs and out the front door. I pulled out my cell phone pressing 2 on my speed dial, and putting the phone to my ear.

“Brendon!” The voice on the other side picked up, “You’re already in?”

“Yeah,” I smiled, “It’s hot.”

“Duh, you’re right next to the desert. Actually, you’re practically in the desert.”

I started to walk down the street, “It’s not too bad though. Our house is nice. It’s kind of lame that you’re not right next door, but our neighbor’s have a pool, and maybe they’ll have a hot daughter to-.” I stopped when I heard someone clear their throat, I glanced to my left to see an older man on the porch of my neighbor’s house. I froze, smile dropping. I nodded towards the man and continued on my way, walking a bit faster than before.

“Bren, you still there?” Jon’s voice cut through.

“Jon, oh, my, Jon!” I laughed a little, trying to keep my voice low, “My neighbor was sitting on the porch.”

“The one with the pool?” He asked, his laughter ringing through the phone.

“Shut up, it’s not funny!” I giggled quietly.

“Seriously though, I hope that your neighbors are all old people who hate children and don’t have any themselves.”

“Aw, why?” I pouted.

“Because, I don’t want you’re new friends to be awesomer than me, and then you’d forget about me.”

“Oh, shut up, Jon. Awesomer isn’t even a word! And, no one is awesomer than you.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes for dramatic affect.


“Can I burn my old uniform?” I asked, hopping up on the counter next to the stove.

“I don’t know can you?” My dad asked, washing his hands in the sink.

“Is that a yes?!” I asked, face lighting up.

“No.” He replied, drying his hands and getting the bread out of the pantry.

“Well then, may I burn my old school uniform?”

“No.” He repeated.

“Why not?!” I asked, kicking my feet against the counter.

“Because, those are nice clothes.”

“So? They remind me of school, and,” I shuddered, “itchiness.”

Dad glanced back at me, raising an eyebrow, “I said ‘no’, Brendon. Get off the counter.”

I huffed, slipping off the counter, and walking outside.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, this is our new story. :) Enjoy!

Thank you for being patient. Please comment your thoughts.