Ghost Girl.


I walked with my head down and my hands in my pockets. I shrunk back into my jacket trying to get away from the bitter cold as I walked across the bridge to get to my house. I look up through my long black hair to see where I'm going and I froze in my tracks.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I shouted to a figure who was standing on the thick wall of the bridge. The figure just stared down at the water unmoving. I quickened my pace as I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better look at the person. I saw them take a small step forward; still looking down at the water.
"Hey!" I shouted loudly as I broke into a sprint. The figure took another step and stepped off the bridge; falling towards the river. I broke into a run and stopped at the spot the person was standing. I looked over and saw nothing. Could someone really hit the water that fast?! I thought as panic started to swell up inside of me. I quickly removed my scarf, jacket, boots, and climbed up onto the wall of the bridge. Taking a quick breath I dived into the water. I hit the water and I could feel my body freeze instantly. I opened my eyes and looked around trying to find the person. A person. Anything that showed proof that someone just jumped. My body started to shake violently and after starting to feel my body lock up I took a quick swim to shore. I got to the shore and climbed up onto the bank. People ran down the large hill the bank came up on and crowded around me. One was a guy with my scarf, jacket, boots, and another jacket.
"What the hell is wrong with you man?! Why the hell did you jump?!" The guy shouted putting the other jacket over my shoulders.
"What the hell do you mean why did I jump?! Someone jumped in before me! I went to save them!" I snapped at the guy as my eyebrows furrowed. His eyebrows furrowed as well.
"No one jumped in before you man." He said slowly. I gave him a skeptical look.
"Yeah someone did. I saw them myself." I said just as slowly as he did. He shook his head.
"I was right there dude, all I saw was your screaming 'Hey' at first I thought you were talking to me and I was gonna go over to you but then you jumped." He explained slowly. I stared at him like he was the crazy one, threw on my jacket, put on my boots leaving them untied, and threw my scarf over my neck. I shoved the other jacket at the guy and walked up the hill. My teeth chattered violently as I walked home. The breeze was picking up and you could easily tell it was gonna snow soon. I walked up the walk way to our house, opened up the front door, walked in and slammed it shut.
"It took you long enough to get home Tyler!" My mom shouted walking out from the kitchen into the doorway. She looked at me and her mouth dropped agate.
"Tyler Worthington, why the hell are you all wet?!" My mom screamed as she ran over to me.
"I jumped off the bridge." I said shivering as my teeth chattered even more.
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So this is a story that I had thought up of a long time ago. I got a lot done on it but then my computer broke and I lost it all. Now it's been in my head so I decided to get it out again(: I'm sorry if there were any spelling/grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoyed it ;DD
