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Student Exchange Program

The Flight.

I stood at the departure gate at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts. In two minutes my flight to Sheffield, England was going to be called. My first semester of my senior year was going to be spent in a host family's house as an exchange student.

“Okay, now be safe and have fun! Call me on skype when you get there or just leave me a message. I got you the international calling plan so you can call the house too.” My mother said smiling, a tear falling from her eye.

“I will I promise.” I patted the shoulder bag that held the Macbook that I held so dear. “I'll miss you so much!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her. It was two weeks until the end of August. In two and a half weeks I would be starting a new school. I wouldn't be seeing my mom in person again until mid-February, when I would be coming home.

“Flight 1625E, Boston to Sheffield is now boarding.” A voice called over the PA systerm.

“Okay, that's me.” I hugged my mother tighter. “Bye mom.” I said kissing her cheek and pulling away.

“Bye, honey! I love you!” She called as she stayed where she was and and waved.

“I love you too!” I called back, waving before taking off through the terminal and getting on the plane. I was excited and scared. The family I was staying with was the Sykes Family. I didn't know hardly anything about them, beside the fact that they lived in Sheffield and had two sons – one was twenty-one and the other was seventeen, as well as myself.

I sighed to myself as the plane started to move. I took deep breaths. This was a non-stop flight across the ocean. I was scared as hell, and I don't like flying as it is.

x x x x x
Even though I got barely any sleep on the plane, I was wide awake. I wondered how I was going to figure out who I was getting picked up by, how was I going to figure out who was supposedly picking me up from the airport. I nervously clung to my shoulder bag and looked around. How was I supposed to know who I was going with?!

I looked around in a state of panic and felt my throat constrict. My breathing almost ceased. I was in a foreign country, by myself, and I didn't know where I was supposed to go. I was having a minor panic attack, yes, but I was going to get through it. It was going to be okay. My eyes stopped on a small group of four people. Two younger boys, an older man, and an older woman. The boys seemed to be around my age. They were goofing off as the older woman, who I assumed was their mother tried to get them to stop. Her lips moved and the boys kept pushing eachother and laughing. The older woman smacked them both on the back of the head and they stopped. I almost let an audiable laugh errupt from my mouth, but I supposed that would look crazy. Well, crazier than me just standing here and staring.

I saw that the younger looking of the two had a white piece of paper with something written on it. I looked closer. There was a name on the paper written messily. Casey Howard. My name. My stomach dropped as my nerves kicked in again. I looked down at my attire. I was in a black AFI hoodie, a white three-quarter length shirt that said 'Super Mario Kart' with a picture of Mario in a go-kart, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with the bottoms tucked into the top of my black and blue high-top vans. I was sure that my long platinum blonde colored hair was a mess, even though it was in a low hanging ponytail. I took a deep breath before walking over.

I walked up to the family, and smiled. “Hi, I'm Casey Howard.” I said nervously as I started to bite my bottom lip a little.

“Welcome to the Steel City!” The two boys said smiling widely.

“Thanks.” I blushed a little.

“I'm Carol.” The older woman said smiling warmly. “This is my husband Ian,” she pointed to the man next to her, “this is my oldest son, Oliver--” The oldest son cut her off.

“But everyone calls me Oli.” He said smiling at me with autumn brown eyes.

“And this is my youngest son, Thomas.” She said, pointing to a boy with the most gorgeous blue eyes. They were like saphires.

“It's Tom.” He corrected.

“It's nice meeting you all.” I said, a yawn escaping my mouth. I was completely exhausted all of the sudden. “I'm sorry. I didn't get much sleep on the plane.” I said covering my mouth.

“Well I would think not. It must be terrifying traveling straight over water for that many hours.” Ian said smiling. He looked a lot like the older son, Oli.

“It was a little nerve wracking.” I admitted.

“Well let's get your bags and leave this place. You've got to get your rest today because tomorrow me and Oli are taking you out to meet everyone!” Tom explained. “And do some back to school shopping.” He smirked.

“Sounds good.” I laughed, looking around for the baggage carosel.

“This way, dear.” Tom said taking me by the arm and leading me away. “So how was your flight?”He asked as we walked through a crowd of people.

“Long. Longer than I wanted.” I sighed rubbing my tired eyes.

“Well, you're here now.” Tom said, suddenly stopping. “Which one is yours?” He asked.

“Well there are three suitcases. One is green, one is pink and one is orange. They stick out... a lot.” I explained.

“Nice. I've spotted them.” Tom lead me closer to the carosel and grabbed two, putting them on the ground next to him before reaching back to grab the last one. The orange one.

“Thanks.” I said yawning and taking two of the three suitcases.

“It's nothing.” He said, shrugging. “You get to have the room right in between me and Oli.” Tom smirked.

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked.

“Nah... well, it could be, I guess.” He laughed.

“Oh boy.” I sighed as we walked over to the group again.

“Have you got everything, Casey?” Carol asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“Well then let's get home.” She smiled at me before turning with Ian and walking forward.

“Do you want me to get one of those for you?” Oli asked, looking down at me. I only came to his shoulder, and only up to Tom's chin. I felt so small.

“If you want to.” I shrugged. “It's no big deal.” I yawned again.

“Jeez kid, did you sleep at all?” Oli asked.

“Not really, no. I was too fidgety, and nervous the whole way. I'm just happy to be back on land.” I explained.

“Well, you'll end up sleeping in the car, I'm sure.” Oli laughed as we walked over to a black volkswagon. Ian put all the suitcases in the trunk. I kept my bag with me.

“It shouldn't take but twenty minutes to get to the house from here.” Carol said from the front seat. “Then you can go take a nap if you'd like. You look exhausted.”

I smiled at her from my place in the back seat, squished in between the broad shoulders of her two sons.

“Thank you Mrs. Sykes.” I said.

“Oh, deary, call me Carol.” She laughed, as Ian got in the car and started it. He backed out of the parking spot and started toward the Sykes household. I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't. I closed them and the next thing I knew my shoulders were being shaken.

“I'm awake.” I said sitting up straight.

“Welcome to our house.” Tom said smiling. He and Oli got my bags for me, while I protested and tried to have them let me help. It was no use, so I just let them lead the way to my new room.

“Well, here's your room.” Tom said putting one of the suitcases on the couch at the end of the bed. Oli put the other two next to them and smiled at me.

“Enjoy.” Oli said walking out of the room.

“Do you want help putting anything away?” Tom asked.

“Maybe after I take a nap? If that's okay.” I said, looking down at my feet.

“Yeah, that's fine. Dinner will be ready in a few hours so I'll just come wake you up and after dinner, or before bed, I'll come help you.” He said smiling. He opened his arms and smiled. I walked toward him, and opened my arms as well. “Welcome to Sheff.” He said walking out of the room, closing the dark stained wooden door behind him. I sat on the bed. It was so comfortable.

I slipped my shoes off so I didn't get any dirt on the pretty pink and green comforter and pulled a pillow under my head. It seemed as if in no time I was almost asleep. But then I remembered. I had to send my mom a message. I took my cellphone out and sent her a text saying I was here, safe, about to fall asleep and I would call her later on skype.

I laid back down, my concience clear and closed my eyes again. This time, I sucessfully made it to dream land. I dreamed of what tomorrow would be like. It seemed that I was going to like it here. I loved England anyway.
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First Chapter!! Woot!
Comments? Critiques?
Please go read the stories Apology Accepted and It Had To Be You. They are amazing stories!