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Student Exchange Program

Dinner, and an Invitation

It was about five thirty when I woke up to someone knocking on the bedroom door. A dusky light was coming through the window and I felt completely rejuvinated.

“Casey, are you awake?” It sounded like Tom was out there. He had a different sounding voice than Oli or Ian.

I stood up and saw that there was a mirror on the back of the bedroom door. I smoothed my clothes and took my hair out of the low ponytail it was in before replying.

“Yes, come in.” I said, putting my hair up in a higher ponytail, my bangs falling from the ponytail, and framing my face. I sat back down on the bed as the door opened and took my cellphone out of my pocket. I had a new text.

“How did you sleep?” Tom asked, turning the light on and closing the door behind him.

“Pretty good. This bed is so comfortable.” I laughed as I sat, my legs criss-crossed in front of me. I opened the text from my mother, and Tom sat on the end of the bed, the same way I was.

“That's good. Mum wanted me to come get you because dinner is almost done.” Tom said as I looked up at him.

I replied to the text and put the phone back in my pocket. I stretched my arms up over my head and yawned slightly.

“Are you a veggie?” Tom asked.

“Excuse me?” I asked. Did he just ask me if I was a vegtable? What the fuck?

“A vegetarian.” Tom said. I started laughing. “What's so funny?” He asked.

“I thought you were asking me if I was a vegtable. I'm not sure if we're on the same page with our slang.” I laughed. “Usually when you're a “veggie” you're either lazy, or are confined to a hospital bed.” I explained.

“You Americans.” Tom laughed rolling his eyes playfully.

“So why did you ask that?” Did it matter if I was a vegetarian?

“Because Oli is, so I was wondering if you were. Mum wanted to know as well.” Tom leaned back and held himself up on his elbows.

“I don't enjoy meat, for the most part. I'll eat chicken sometimes and I will eat shrimp. But no steak or beef or pork or anything like that.” I explained.

“Oh.” Tom nodded. “Well, we should probably get you unpacked. Mum suggested that Oli and I take you for coffee and a movie tonight after dinner, if you're interested.”

“That sounds pretty sweet.” I said smiling. “I'm totally up for it.” I stood up from my place on the bed and put the suitcases on my bed. “I brought a poster or two to hang up to make it feel not so different from my room, if that's okay.” I explained as I opened one of the suitcases that held some clothes and the posters I was talking about.

“Nah, it's fine. I can get you some thumb tacks or tape if you'd like. I've got tons of things up on my walls.” Tom offered.

“That would be cool.” I said, taking the posters out and setting them on the bed.

“Brill. I'll be right back. Which would you prefer?” He asked. “Thumb tacks or tape?”

“Erm. The tacks please.” I said smiling at him. I opened the wardrobe as he walked out of the room and examined the space inside. I then looked over at the shorter dresser next to it and took my undergarments out of the suitcase and put them inside. I shut the drawer as Tom entered the room. He looked at me and smiled.

“Where do you want them?” He asked. “I'll put them up while you put your clothes away, if you'd like.”

“Wherever they would look good. You're the designer today.” I laughed, starting to put the clothes in the drawers. Once they were full, I moved onto the wardrobe and began filling that too. Thankfully, there were drawers inside the wardrobe as well.

“How's that?” Tom asked. I only brought three with me; Hawthorne Heights, Avenged Sevenfold, and As Tal As Lions. “Good music, by the way.” He said.

“Oh, thanks. I like pretty much everything actually. From rap to screamo. I love it all.” I smiled, as I opened the last suitcase that held a few dresses and my shoes. I had three pairs of sneakers, including the ones I wore here, a pair of flats, a pair or high heeled ankle boots, and a pair slippers. I could definitely go for a cigarette right now.

“You're welcome.” Tom said sitting on my bed.

“Alright, so we better-” Tom was interupted, and the older Sykes boy came into the room.

“Aye, mum says it's dinner time.” Oliver said smiling over at me. He looked at Tom and nodded to him.

“Thanks Oli.” I said getting my slippers out of the wardrobe and putting them on my feet.

“It's nothing.” He shrugged, turning and leading the way for the three of us.

“Well hello, dear. How was your nap?” Carol asked.

“It was wonderful! I don't think I've ever slept so good in my entire life.” I laughed, sitting at the table next to Oli, where the extra chair was set. Tom sat across from Oli and I, Ian and Carol on either end of the table.

“Eat up, loves.” Carol said, starting to fill her plate. I put a little bit of food on mine as well, Tom, Oli and Ian all overloading their plates with pasta and salad. “So, did the boys ask you if you'd like to go out tonight?” She asked, smiling.

“Yes. I thought it was a good idea.” I said, taking a bite of the pasta. As soon as Carol opened her mouth to talk, there was a loud banging on the front door. I jumped a little, making Tom and Oliver chuckle a little.

“I'll get that.” Oli said, standing up from the table. I then saw that his arms were completely sleeved in tattoos. I wanted to take his arm and get a closer look, but I pushed the thought aside, and started talking to Carol again.

“Aye! Sykes! What the hell are you up to, mate? You haven't answered your mobile all day.” I heard someone say.

“Aye. What are you doing tonight. There's this awesome party at Jona's house, you coming? “ Another person asked.

“Not tonight, mates. I got plans already.”

“Did your mum make her homemade sauce?!” I heard one voice ask excitedly.

“Oh dear.” Carol said, placing a hand on her forehead. “I'm sorry, Casey, but it seems we are about to be joined by Oliver and Thomas' friends.” She said giving a side glance at Tom.

“Mum she was gonna end up meeting them anyway. There's no getting around that.” Tom shrugged as there was a stampede of twenty year olds running into the kitchen.

“Aye, Carol! You made your sauce! You know I can't resist!” The one I had heard speak first from the front door exclaimed.

“Help yourselves boys. I'm sure you will anyway.” Carol laughed.

“So who's this bird?” Matt asked, mouth full of spaghetti.

“Oh, erm. This is Casey.” Oli looked over at me and smiled. “She's the exchange student from America.”

I blushed a little as the boys in the room were all staring at me.

“Well, hello Casey. M'names Matt.” The boy who had told Carol about how he couldn't resist her sauce said walking around the table, and sticking his hand out.

“Nice to meet you.” I said, somewhat shyly.

He was sort of cute, in his own way. His face reminded me of a little kid when he smiled, the gauges in his ears were huge, and his left arm was majorly tattooed. Someone popped up behind him and smiled over his shoulder. He was adorable! His bright blue eyes were almost like Tom's but a little darker. His hair was sort of short and a little spikey. Behind large, full lips was a set of straight white teeth.

“M'name's Lee.” He said smiling as he walked around Matt and shook my hand.

“Aye, and M'name's Vegan.” A tall, although everyone seemed tall to me, curly, blond headed guy said waving from across the table where Tom was still sitting.

“Vegan?” I asked, a little confused. Who names their kid Vegan?!

“It's just a nickname, dear. My real name is Matt too.” He laughed. I blushed and nodded, feeling a little stupid,

“I'm Curtis.” The other guy said, standing on the other side of Tom as he stuffed his mouth with food. He had long, dark hair and dark brown colored eyes. I couldn't see if he or “Vegan” had any tattoos because they were both wearing sweatshirts.

“It's nice to mee you all.” I said smiling and sitting back down.

“So, you up for a little party tonight, Miss Casey?” Matt asked, as he squished into the chair with Oliver.

“Umm...” I paused. Perfect oppurtunity to start breaking out of your shell. Say yes, Casey! Say yes! “I-” I was about to answer when Carol interrupted.

“Matt, my boys are already planning to take Casey to a movie and coffee after dinner. You can party some other night.” Carol said, pointing a finger at him.

“Oh, Carol, the movies will be open for longer than this party will be going on. Jona's got to go back to Austrailia in two days. It will be one of the last chances Casey will get at meeting him.” Matt explained.

“It's up to Casey.” She said, putting her hands up in the air.

All six boys looked at me as Ian and Carol got up from the table and started taking the dishes away. Everything was gone, including my pasta.

“When do we leave?” I asked. “Can I take a quick shower first?” I stood from the table, and grabbed my plate.

“Let me get that for you while you go shower.” Matt said taking my plate from my hands and pushing me toward the stairway.

“Um, thanks?” I said walking up the stairs and into my room. There was a knock on my open door as I opened the wardrobe.

“You need help getting anything to wear?” I heard a semi raspy voice ask. I looked over to see Oliver standing in the doorway.

“Sure.” I said standing in front of the wardrobe without a clue as to what I should wear.

“Well, I don't suggest you wear heels. You'll either be too drunk, high, or both to walk proper in them, or your feet will kill by the end of the night. I can't tell you how many girls whine and complain about that.” Oliver laughed. “But you may just have to go with those. They seem to be the only party shoe you have.” He frowned a little. “Why don't I have Tom ring his bird, and she can come help you.”

“Oli, I'm not incapable.” I smirked, looking over at him.

“Well I know that. You look fine now. I'm just thinkin about the type of party this is.” He shrugged. “Only the cool kids go to these parties.” He chuckled, as if it were some kind of joke. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Do what you please.” I sighed. “But I need a towel and a washcloth.” I said walking out of the room. Oliver followed and opened a closet door in the bathroom.

“Here.” He said tossing the two materials I asked for to me. I caught them with ease. “Carleigh should be here by the time you get out.” He said walking off down the hall and into, what I assumed was his room.

I sighed and walked into the bathroom, completely unaware of what I had just agreed to. But I had a feeling that this was going to be one hell of a messy night.
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Sorry, I know it's a bit long. :/
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