Status: Updates Will Be Submitted Every Weekend, For The Most Part. Always Check My Page For Updates.

Student Exchange Program

Get Ready, All Set, Go.

When I got out of the shower I popped my head out of the bathroom to see if anyone was around. I didn't see anyone, all doors upstairs – excluding mine -- were closed and conversation seemed to be coming from downstairs. I quickly stepped out of the bathroom, clothes in hand, towel wrapped tightly around me. The air was a bit chilly as I felt the water droplets from my hair soak through the towel. I walked to my room, which I had left the light on, and jumped a foot in the air when I entered.

“Holy hell!” I screeched. Oliver, and a pretty, dark haired girl were sitting on my bed. I wrapped the towel around me tighter, and accidentally dropped my clothes.

“Sorry, Casey.” Oliver said getting up quickly. “Didn't expect you to be out so quickly.” He snickered as he picked my bra up off the floor. “Well isn't this pretty.” He said looking at the red bra that was hanging from his index finger. It was silky and had a flowery embroidery on the front.

I snatched the bra from his hands, my cheeks turning a light pink as he walked out of my room, shaking his head. I looked over to the girl who was sitting on my bed. She was a thin girl, about my size, with long, choppy, dark brown hair. She was wearing a white tunic with a picture of a girl with pink sunglasses on that only covered one shoulder, a pair of either extremely tight jeans or leggings – I couldn't quite tell, on her feet were a pair of pinkish colored ankle boots that matched the bow in her hair. Her bangles clinked on her left wrist as she readjusted herself on the bed.

“Hi, I'm Carleigh.” She smiled, standing up and sticking her hand out. I shook her hand awkwardly. “Sorry about Oli. He can be a bit of a twat.” She raised her voice on that last bit and there was a thud on the door.

“Casey.” I said, walking over to the dresser to get my undergarments. “Nice to meet you.” I laughed, at the situation.

“Yeah, um... I brought some other clothes over as well if you wanted to look through those.” She said as I turned and set the undergarments on the bed. “Oli told me to bring some party clothes and shoes over.”

“I see.” I said hiding behind the door of the wardrobe as I put my undergarments on. After I had those on, I was fine to walk about my room. I just thought of it like being in a locker room. “Well what do you have? Maybe we can combine stuff.” I said, my hands on my hips. She emptied the bag out onto the bed and I smiled. I knew exactly what to do. In fifteen minutes, I had everything all picked out and my makeup was halfway done. Carleigh was helping me pick out what shoes to wear.

“These ones.” She said holding an ankle boot up. “These ones for sure!” She smiled as I looked at her through the mirror.

“I love those!” I exclaimed.

“Are you birds done in there?!” I heard a loud pounding on the door.

“No, Oli! Back off. Go play your video games or something. It's not like we're going to be late. We're still going out to get drinks before Jona's party.” Carleigh sighed. “He's an impatient one.” She said. I turned to face her, and look at the shoes she wanted me to wear. They were black ankle boots with a couple chains on the front. “Yeah?” She said wiggling her eyebrows.

“Oh yeah!” I exclaimed.”So how do you know the boys?” I asked.

“I've been dating Tommy since the first year of secondary. He's so sweet.” She said smiling.

“Oh, thats cute.” I smiled as I pulled my clothes on and finished my hair. It was a little tousled to give it some volume. When I turned around to face her, Carleigh held a bow out to me.

“Just try it. I'm kinda obsessed with bows.” She giggled. It was plain black. I rolled my eyes and put it on the side opposite my bangs.

“Oh my. I look like a scene kid!” I laughed.

“But you look hot!” Carleigh exclaimed, taking her cellphone out of her pocket. We both stood in front of the full length mirror and took the picture. I looked myself over one last time before turning to help Carleigh with cleaning off my bed.

I had a white t-shirt with a black sketch of a balerina on it, a black vest over that. I had leggings that said “Shocking!” in neon foil on the front and the ankle boots on. I was wearing my favorite neon bracelets and my studded ring that went on three fingers. My makeup consisted of thick eyeliner, mascara, and colorful eye shadows.

“Ready?” Carleigh asked, smiling. It was almost eight o'clock now and we were pissing the guy, Curtis off greatly.

I nodded. “Lets go.” I was so nervous.

Carleigh opened the door and was almost hit by the guy named Vegan who was about to knock. She slammed the door shut when she saw him. “Go downstairs and wait with everyone else!” She said frowning.

I heard a loud sigh and then footsteps walking away.


“Oliver Scott Sykes! Do not speak like that in my house!” I heard Carol yell. I giggled and grabbed my cellphone off the nightstand.

“I think we better go downstairs now.” I giggled.

“Aye. Before Oliver has another hissy fit.” Carleigh rolled her eyes and opened the bedroom door. “Everyone into the living room please. I have something to show you!” She called through the house.

I heard grumbling and foot steps downstairs as we both walked out of the room. I turned the light off and closed the door behind me.

“Stay here a second.” She whispered to me, right outside of the living room. I waited in the hallway as she walked out. “Are you all ready for my masterpiece?!” She asked excitedly.

“Please, lets just get this over with so we can-” Oliver started to speak but Carleigh cut him off.

“Come on in, Casey.” She said. I walked in and Oliver smirked. A roar of cheers went through out the room as all eyes were on me now.

“You look lovely, dear.” Carol said smiling.

“Thanks.” I said blushing a little.

“Let's go then.” Oliver said standing up and walking over to me. “I'll be your escort tonight, love.” He said putting his arm around my waist and leading me out of the living room. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I just came up to his chin now. I held my cellphone in my hand as we walked out of the house, Carol calling out to us to be careful and “for Gods sakes not to let anything happen to me.”

“Aye, Casey, Tom Carleigh and me will take my car, the rest can go in whatever cars they came in.” Oliver said taking keys out of his hoodie pocket.

“Sounds ace. See you at Jona's, mate.” Matt said walking away first, the rest following him.

Oliver walked me over to a cherry red volkswagon and smiled at me before opening my door. Tom and Carleigh got into the back and Oliver ran over to the drivers side.

He reached over into the dashboard compartment and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “You smoke?” He asked, looking over at me as he took one out and lit it.

“Yeah.” I said, nodding. I could really use a cigarette at the moment. Oliver handed the box to me, and then handed me the lighter. I lit one and inhaled deeply, nicotine filling my lungs.

“So what else you do, eh?” Tom asked from behind me. “Drink, smoke weed?” He asked.

“I smoke weed, and I'll occasionally go to a party and have a few drinks.” I said, handing Carleigh the box of cigarettes when she held her hand out.

“Well then you'll fit right in with all of us.” Carleigh said while she lit her cigarette, and handed one to Tom before tossing the box and lighter back up front.

“I think you all just became my best friends.” I laughed as we rode down street after street. I was officially excited for this party.
♠ ♠ ♠
Casey's Outfit
Carleigh's Outfit.

As promised, an update. I hope you all enjoy, and again, sorry if it's too long. :D
Comments? Critiques? I'm open to all of your thoughts. Tell me what I can do to make this better and what not. :]
More comments could get a faster update?