Status: Indefinite Hiatus until furhter notice

Fallen Angels Rising Star

Terry is your average everyday senior, that is until a mysterious person comes to him and says they need his help to help raise a aicent race of people so they can return to their home. During his journey he will try to figure out who this person is, and the story behind his secret crush and fellow class mate Amber Divilla.
  1. Dreams and Reality
    From dream, to reality, to being watched
  2. Theater and Cops in the office
    What else could go wrong?
  3. The Dark and The Light
    Enter evil head honcho and the some expplaining
  4. Question and Answer
    Terry gets more info that he bargained for
  5. Whispers and Shouts
    From quiet whispers to the loud shouts of many
  6. Great Power And a New Enemy
    Revealing a great power and an Unexpected Foe
  7. Waking dreams and Random visitors
    Enter the dream walking and uninvited friends
  8. Past and Present Friends
    Friends of the past and present drop by
  9. Stalking and Kidnapping
    When you get stalked, you inevitably get kidnapped
  10. Nightmares and Hugs
    After a nightmare, you just wanna cuddle
  11. Breakfast and Conversation
    Time for breakfast and a talk with mom
  12. Songs and Memories
    With but one song, a torrent of memories can be unleashed