Status: Indefinite Hiatus until furhter notice

Fallen Angels Rising Star

Nightmares and Hugs

Terry sat bolt straight up in bed, run his hands over his chest once, twice, a third time, before finally calming down enough to level out his breathing.

"It was just a dream," He told himself, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"What was a dream," He heard a female say to his left. He instinctively grabbed the knife from under his pillow and got into a defensive position.

"Whoa, drop the knife Zorro, it's just me," Amber said after she flicked on his lamp. Terry sighed in relief and slumped back in bed. Amber sat next to him and let him lean his head on her.She kept glancing at his dare chest, trying not to let her blush cover her face, absently wondering what it would feel like to run her hands down over his stomach....

"Earth to Amber, you there?"

Amber jerked out of her fantasy, mentally screaming at her inner self for thinking like that.

"Yea, i'm here... are you ok?" She asked, wonder what had caused him to start screaming like that.

Terry just sat there with his head laid in her lap, and she soon realized she wasn't going to get anything out of him. She was about to change the subject when....

"Promise me one thing," Terry said, and after she had nodded her head he continued, "What ever may happen to me, don't go back to Zane, please?"

Amber shook her head, confused, but none the less, she wasn't ever going back to him. Terry nodded once and closed his eyes.

"Lets go to sleep," Amber suggested. Terry nodded and sat up so she could move. She started to go back to the chair she was in when Terry grabbed he wrist.

"Sleep with me.... Please?" She thought he was joking, but when she looked in his eyes she say a million emotions in them, but the ones that stuck out the most where fear, loneliness and longing. She nodded and crawled into bed next to him, snuggling into his chest.

Terry wrapped his arms around her and sighed, breathing in the scent of her hair, and smiled. With a smile on his face, he drifted off to sleep once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy crap, two chapters in two days....... so this one probably sucks big time, it was an idea i got from something that happened to me, so i used it
Comments are appreciated, flames will be used to burn haters >:}