Status: Indefinite Hiatus until furhter notice

Fallen Angels Rising Star

Question and Answer

Note to self: Never ask a dumb question again

Terry sighed, wishing hadn’t asked how he fit into the Ayonowyn’s future.


“About 500 years ago, back at our home, one of our scouting parties found a cave, and inside it were some cave drawings,” Amber was telling Terry as they sat in a tree on the outskirts of the compound, “What brought our attention to these cave drawings were that they predicted every major event in out history, like a prophecy of some kind. All it took was nearly half of our people dying from a eruption of the underground volcano’s for our elders to believe the drawings in the cave could save us from disaster.”

“Half of your people… I don’t know if I could have survived through that.” Terry said, not knowing what else to say.

“I didn’t think I was going to, I nearly lost everyone I cared about in that fire… My mom, brother, best friends... Even the boy I had like as long I can remember,” Amber hesitated, not knowing whether or not to continue.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to.” Terry told her, resting one hand on her shoulder.

Amber looked at him, smiling a real smile for the first time terry could remember. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into him and whispered

“The reason I sat next to you that first say, and why I seem nicer to you than everyone else, is because that boy I liked… you look a lot like him, it’s like he’s still here with me.”

She looked up at him, smiling at his obvious look of surprise on his face, then laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and relaxing when he put his arms around her waist and let her lay there, watching the sun sink beneath the horizon.

“Amber, Amber, Amber wake up”

Amber slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in her room with Terry couched next to her bed, looking at her.

“Hey there sleepy head, Have a nice nap?” Terry asked, smiling slightly. Amber tried to remember what he was talking about, and then blushed a deep red as she remembered what happened.

“Yea… sorry about that, I don’t know what came over me,” She said, not meeting Terry’s gaze.

“Don’t worry about it, Could you take me home, it’s almost 10:30,” He said, causing Amber to gasp and look at her watch. It was 10:28.

“I’m sorry, I totally forgot you haven’t learned how to teleport,” She jumped up, grabbed his hand and in a burst of purple and blue light, he was on his door step, looking at Amber in the moonlight.

“You look beautiful Amber,” He said as he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, “Good night.” And with that he walked inside and closed the door.

Amber touched her cheek and smiled and jumped off the steps and was instantly transported to her room and fell on he bed, falling asleep with a huge grin on her face.

~End Flashback~

The clock read 1:45 and terry hadn’t been able to fall asleep since arriving home, his mind turning over the information amber shared with him today, feeling sorry for asking and causing her to reveal such personal information.
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Ok, so this is pretty muchly a filler chapter, i had no clue was to write, so this is what you got :)
Comment, review, ect, you know the drill