Status: Indefinite Hiatus until furhter notice

Fallen Angels Rising Star

Stalking and Kidnapping

Two Weeks Later

Terry was walking home after a game of basketball with his friends at the park. His features where set into a smile that was threatening to split his face in half, but he could care less. He kept playing his last visit with Amber over and over in his head, mostly the last thing she said to him.

I Love You

He couldn’t get over how that made him feel, weightless, like he could fly, and he love it.

He heard the bushes rustle, instantly going on high alert, and sensed more than saw that someone was there, feeling them follow his every move, watching, waiting to strike. He nonchalantly slipped his hand into the waistband of his shorts and mentally cursed himself for leaving the knives the forgers from Amber’s village made him.

He continued walking down the sidewalk, eyes subtly moving left and right, trying to find his stalker. After what felt like two hours, but in reality was ten minutes, he was on his street.

Then it happened.

He felt someone walk up behind him, but before he could turn around he felt the cold bite of a blade on his throat a bag was pulled over his head. He had the feeling of weightless-ness and realized he was being transported somewhere.

Without removing the blade from his neck, the bag was removed and a black cloth was placed over his eyes. He was then lead to a chair and strapped to it. He tried to break free, even using his “berserker” strength, as Amber and himself called it, but to no avail.

“I wouldn’t do that, those bands are unbreakable, plus the more you try to break them, the more they will tighten on your wrist and ankles” A voice sneered. It struck a chord in his memory, but he couldn’t place it. The voice was kind of deep, but not like an adult, so he assumed it was a teenager, a male teenager.

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten me already, what a shame,” The voice faked a hurt tone, “But I assure you, after today, you won’t ever forget my voice, neither will amber for that matter.”

That was when he recognized the voice, it was...

“ZANE” Terry shouted. Zane chuckled.

“No need to shout, I’m less that a foot away from you,” Zane said, untying the cloth from Terry’s head.


Zane paused mid-stride.

“Why?,” he asked, “You sit with her, living the life I always wanted, always, and you have the guts to ask me WHY?”

Terry sat there silently, trying to figure out what he had that Zane didn’t, then the memory hit him, like a ton of bricks(cliché, I know, but I’ve always liked the saying), the first time they met.

“Zane, what’s going on?” asked Amber slowly, Terry at her side and Zane sitting on a chair opposite them. The boy leant back and smiled at her.

“I wanted to see you,” he said simply and Amber flushed. Terry tensed and Amber moved her leg to touch his in an attempt to calm him.

Obviously Terry wasn’t happy about Zane’s presence. Amber and Terry were halfway together but it neither of them had really made it official or talked about how touchy they had been. It just felt right. And usually Terry was gentle and calm and only got angry after a lot of provoking but with all the changes that had been going on, including the awakening of such a strong and destructive power he might be feeling more on edge than normal. Zane hadn’t picked a very good moment to show up. But she couldn’t help feeling a little happy to see the boy who had been missing for so long.

“I thought you had left us,” Amber said quietly. Zane leaned forward with a sincere look on his face.
“Amber, no matter how much trouble I had with the high council, I wouldn’t leave because of that. I wouldn’t leave you.” Amber sucked in a breath.

Terry was wound tight and she could tell he didn’t like the honest tone of Zane’s voice that implied so much more between her and Terry’s look alike. Even though the feelings she had had for Zane had been a long time ago, having Zane look at her like that and letting herself be swept away into the depths of his dark eyes made her feel so guilty, unfaithful. She was hurting Terry and he was here and now and the one she had feelings for now.

“No, after the earthquake I couldn’t find anyone. I had no choice but to make it on my own. The high council wouldn’t come looking for anyone like me anyway. It wasn’t my decision to leave I promise.” Zane’s smiled gently but his affection didn’t last long as Terry put his hand between Amber’s shoulder blades and rubbed small circles with his thumb.

Amber felt terrible, sick and like she was two timing with both of them until a flash of Zane’s ruthless, always ready for a fight side stole across his handsome feature and he looked a lot like Terry when he had lost control.

She retreated into Terry’s side and that was when Zane let out a soft snarl at Terry. The girl could hear Terry grinding his teeth against growling himself. Her heart was pounding again and she felt unsettled. She was scared about what might happen; with Terry being so possessive she didn’t trust him and she didn’t trust herself not to jump in front of Zane if something started between them, which would destroy Terry, she knew it.

“You better go Zane. I don’t know what you’re doing back other than “to see me” but the high council won’t welcome you back now. I don’t think you have a place with us anymore and I don’t think you have business with me. It’s upsetting and I want you to leave,” muttered Amber, not looking at anyone. If she spoke any louder her voice might tremble or something equally as stupid. It was just Zane, she shouldn’t be this anxious, this far away from the once cool and composed popular teenage façade she’d kept up for all that time. But maybe it was because it was Zane... She didn’t know anymore but she didn’t like it. Terry relaxed somewhat and their guest sat shocked for a moment before abruptly getting to his feet.

“I won’t leave this alone Amber. You’re only with him because he’s me,” replied Zane savagely, his sudden anger surprising even Amber. He wasn’t someone she wanted to love. A stranger in the shell of someone she used to love.

“He’s not you.”


“Goodbye, Zane.”

“You have Amber, you have the only girl I’ve ever loved, ever will love,” Zane said calmly, trying to spoil the fun he was going to have.

“If you loved amber like you say you do, then let her go, she’s chosen her life now, and…”

“She chose WRONG,” Zane shouted the last word, making it echo in the small room, “SHE SHOULD HAVE CHOSE ME”

Terry didn’t know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut.

“You, who is nothing but a worthless boy, nothing special about you, nothing at all,” Zane said, trying to get a rise out of Terry but he wasn’t going to fall for it, “Not very talkative anymore, are we?”

Terry just looked at him blankly, already figuring the most likely way for this “conversation” to end.

“Very well then,” Zane paused to pull out a double edged sword,” I’ll be sure to tell amber how you said you didn’t want her anymore, and how you attacked me first I and I was merely defending myself.”

“And she’ll see right through you and hopefully kick your sorry ass” Terry said with a smirk.

Zane shook his head.

“Any last words?”

“Yea, See you in hell, Asshole”

The last thing Terry felt was the cold bite of metal sliding through his chest, then nothing…
♠ ♠ ♠
So, i typed this out in about 10 minutes..... and it was exactly 7 3/4 pages long
Please don't kill me for the ending *hides in the nuke-shealter*
Comments=love love=More writing
Flames= fuel for my inner pyromaniac >:}