Villians & Knaves

Stole The Queen From Her Bed

“That’s absolutely absurd!” Sophia exclaimed. “The Fountain of Youth is just a silly legend that sends men on a wild chase and ultimately to their deaths.”

“How do you know?” He asked, turning back to face her. “I mean, you didn’t know your father was a pirate, had no idea what that pendant of yours was for, much less a crew of the vilest pirates known to man were after it. As far as I see it, you’re pretty much in the dark about everything. Why not this?”

She opened her mouth to angrily retort, but closed it just as quickly when she had nothing to say. Glaring at him, she wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug look right off his face; his admittedly handsome face.

Surprised by this unwelcome thought, she blushed slightly and looked away. If she wasn’t mistaken, a quiet chuckle had greeted this action, making her grind her teeth in annoyance. “I know this is a lot to take in, and you probably want some rest because it’s getting pretty late. We’ve got an extra cabin you can use. Come on, follow me.”

Following him was beginning to become a regular occurrence, and she stood with a sigh and allowed her feet to guide her along behind him. The cabin was small, but had a hammock and several thick blankets to fight the drafts and cold aboard the ship. A crate was settled next to it as a table, an unlit lantern sitting on it. There was a large trunk in one corner, and she eyed it curiously. “Extra clothing, should you want to change. I’m sure there’s something in your size; you wouldn’t believe how many little men join crews…”

She suppressed a giggle, then turned to him, feeling a little awkward. “I…just wanted to thank you.”

“For kidnapping you, telling you the very last thing you want to hear about your father, and giving you midget clothes? You’re very welcome. I can be a generous person when I want.” He smiled, eyes twinkling.

“For saving my life, giving me clothes that don’t constrict my breathing…and telling me the truth when no one else would.” She finished softly.

The smile faded from his face, and he stared at her intently for a moment before clearing his throat. “Yes, well, you’ll probably want to be getting to sleep now. You’ll have free run of the ship, but stay out of the crew’s way .”

“Yes, of course.” She nodded, feeling something close to disappointment. “Good night, Captain.”

“Good night, Sophie.” He smiled and closed the door behind him, leaving her to her thoughts.

It took her several minutes to realize he had called her by her nickname; only her father and uncle had ever done so. Usually she minded when someone did so, but instead she found her pulse racing. “Oh, stop it, Sophie,” She berated herself, throwing open the lid of the trunk with more force than she had intended and digging angrily through the clothes.

While it was true that he was quite nice to look at, and had an excellent sense of humor, not to mention that grin of his…he was a pirate. And the two of them couldn’t be more different. She was part of a well-known family who had high expectations for her. He only had his crew and his ship, and did what he liked. But as she compared him to herself, she found that the life that awaited her back in Port Royal was too planned out, too uninviting. Ezra followed his own rules, not like Sophia, who had to act in a way befitting her family. He had all sorts of adventures, and she had…well, she had her imagination.

A wistful sigh escaped her, and she suddenly felt very tired. She found a pair of breeches and a white shirt that looked like they would fit and, keeping her underclothing on, slipped into them. It felt so much better to be out of that dress. As beautiful as it was, the bodice was much too tight to wear for long periods of time, not to mention the weight of all that fabric.

Feeling much more relaxed, she climbed into the hammock and pulled a couple blankets over herself, hoping sleep would soon arrive. But she lay awake for a long time, thinking of Ezra Quinn and the dangerous secrets her father had kept.

; ; ;

Eventually the gentle rocking of the sea against the ship had lulled her to sleep. The glow of dawn caressed her eyelids, coaxing them open. For a moment she forgot where she was as she sleepily looked around the cabin. Then, feeling the sway of the ocean and hearing the distant sound of it lapping against the ship, everything came back.

Here she was, aboard a pirate ship with a man she should, by all rights, want to run through with a sword, going after the fabled Fountain of Youth. Things had certainly taken a strange turn since dinner the previous evening. Light knocking brought her out of her thoughts. “Come in,” She called, not even bothering to climb out of the hammock.

Ezra Quinn sauntered in, looking refreshed. “Ah, good, you’re up. Care to partake in a little sword practice?”

Sophia stretched, purposefully ignoring him for a moment. But she did note his eyes following every move she made. “My sword skills are just fine, thank you.”

He snorted in response. “Maybe in a fair fight. We’re pirates, love. We never fight fair.”

“Yes, you’ve made that quite clear,” She grumbled, finally disentangling herself from the blankets. “Very well, then. I’ll need a sword, as I seemed to have lost the one I took last night.”

“Of course. We’ve no shortage of weapons. Here,” He tossed her a small loaf of bread. “Better get something in your stomach. Sea sickness can creep up on you when you least expect it.”

She caught it, realizing she was absolutely ravenous. “See you on deck in ten minutes,” He called as he exited the room, closing the door behind him.

As she finished the bread, a small smile crept over herself. She’d show the captain just how well-honed her skill with a sword was. And with any luck, maybe draw a little blood to get him back for pulling her into this bloody fool’s errand.