Iced Coffee and a Chilly Breeze


“So, what brings you to Gordonville?”

“Nothing really specific.”



“Well, something must have made you chose to move here.”

“I used to spend summers here with my parents, so I know the area.”

“Heh. It’s always better in the summer, you know.”

“I just wanted to get out of my old town.”

“Don’t we all?”

“Well, I kind of had a big reason.”


“Mhm. Problems with someone.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Oh, I’m so rude. What was your name again?”


“Like the resort town?”

“My parents wanted to name me after something ‘snowy,’ apparently.”

“Oh. Well, it’s very pretty.”

“Thank you.”

“My name is Annalee.”

“That’s just as pretty.”

“It’s boring, kind of like the coffee I ordered.”

“I don’t think anyone is boring, really.”

“Some people are. Believe me.”

“I don’t think so. We all have interesting things about us.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“Well, what makes you think that?”

“We all have things we love, things we’re passionate about, people we admire…there’s just so much. Humans are complex, you know? If someone bores us, we haven’t dug deep enough into them.”

“You sound very mature, dear.”

“I’m far from mature. I just like to see things in a different light. Kind of like this iced coffee- to people, it’s just coffee. To me, it kind of reminds me that I get to be here today to enjoy it. The chilly breeze outside is my loved ones dancing in the wind.”