Status: I'll try to update as often as I can


Chapter One

“Logan Tyler Jackson Walker, Get your ass off that boat and come give me a hug!” I screech to my best friend who, I might add, I hadn’t seen in three whole months.
Running down the dock he tackles me to the ground with a shout of “Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
“Can’t breathe- too fat…” I huff.
Logan gets off and pouts at me like a five year old who has just been told he can’t have another cookie.
“Meanie, say sawee!” he mumbles like a little kid.
“ I’m not mean you just need to stop gobbling down all those doughnuts,” I laugh sitting up.
Suddenly I’m lying back on the ground and Logan is tickling me. I’m laughing so hard I start to cry. “L-Lo-Logan st-stop –Can’t breathe!” I stutter.
“No, not till you say sawee!” he continues to tickle me.
“Fine! I-I’m sor-sorry!” I cry out.
“What are you sorry about?” he asks trying to get a full apology out of me.
“Telling the truth!” I shout, jumping up and sprinting away towards his lake house.
I can hear Logan’s big heavy footsteps behind me and it seems like he’s catching up. ‘Damn seems like all his extra football training it paying off… Oh well he’ll never catch- ‘

“Ahhhhh!” I let out a piercing scream as his big hands wrap around my waist and he spins me around.
“You Bitch!” comes a nasally voice from behind Logan, “what the hell do you think you’re doing with my Boyfriend. And for that matter what are you doing with her?
Logan lets out a big sigh and then says, “look Candy, we hooked up once at Jeff’s party like 4 months ago, I’m not you’re boyfriend so chill the fuck out and stop stalking me.”
‘Candy, Oh My God! Her name is seriously Candy… That is hilarious.’ I burst out with uncontrollable laughter, I fell down I was laughing so hard. And then, I got a brilliant plan because seriously this skank wasn’t going to back off no matter what Logan told her.
“Hey baby,” I say sauntering over to Logan, who gives me a rather confused look, “doesn’t Caaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnndddddyyyyyy know that you’re already dating some one?” I ask drawing out her name and making it sound as slutty and ditzy as possible.
“What no way! Not possible!” she whined, “ I know everyone in town and besides it would be big gossip if Logan was dating.”
Picking up on my plan immediately he said, “Well, I thought stalkers were supposed to know everything, I’ve been dating some one for the last three months.”
“What the Fuck! Who?” the Barbie bitch whined again.
“Who do you think?” I asked smirking. “Me.”

“Arrrrrrggggg!” Caaaaaaaannnnndddddddddyyyyyy screeched stomping away in her stilettos. I giggled.
Logan sent me a relieved and grateful look.
“That’s only phase one,” I said cackling evilly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all enjoy this is only the beginning to as crazy fun summer story I have planned..
I'll try to update as much as possible and be sure to tell me what you think.