Status: I'll try to update as often as I can


Chapter Two

“Woah…” Logan says quietly, “You have that evil look in your eyes. What do you have planned?”
“Oh nothing…” I smirk.
“Come on Lee, she’s not even worth it and now thanks to you she’ll leave me alone.”
“Fine,” I pout.
“Lets go get some ice cream in town, I’ll even buy you a double scoop.”
“Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!” I shout. “But I wanna piggyback ride too, you owe me!”
Logan lets out a big exasperated sigh, “Fine but only to the Jeep, we’ll drive into town. After chasing up all the way up here I’m too tired to carry you all the way to the Dinner.”
“Deal!” I cry as I run and jump on his back.
He carries me and sets me down gently on the leather passenger seat of his beat up, old red Jeep.
“I scream, you scream, we all scream fro ice cream!” I holler as we pull out of the drive way.

“Mmmmmmmm! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I bounce up and down while eating my awesome yummy tiger tiger and bubblegum ice cream cone.
“I can’t believe you still like that, it’s soooooo sugary..” Logan mumbles around his own black berry and cherry cone.
“I don’t know how you can’t like it,” I reply taking a big bit out of the bottom of my cone, eating it from bottom to top.
After finishing our cones on a picnic table outside of the Dinner Logan and I decided to go for a boat ride and, as he put it, see how rusty my wake boarding skills were.
When we got back to his place we called up Jeff and he was up to “showing us up”.
“Ahh,” I sigh, “it’s so nice to spend a lazy day on the lake.”
Soaking up the warm June sun was the best way to warm up after a few wipe outs.
“Yeah, nice falling in it too huh Lee?” Jeff sniggered.
“Well gee, sorry I haven’t been down for three months and last time I was the lake wasn’t even melted. So I haven’t had time to practice, just wait by the end of the summer I’ll be kicking your ass with all the tricks I’ll be able to do,” I reply sticking my tongue out at him.
“Be careful where you stick that tongue some one might come and bite it off,” Jeff says with a smirk.
“Dude, are you hitting on my girlfriend?” asks Logan in a mock gruff voice and we all burst out laughing hysterically, because if you really knew Logan and I we would never in a million years date.
I mean don’t get me wrong he’s good looking and everything, standing at about 6’4” with floppy, sandy hair and big blue-green eyes, but we’re best friends and that would just be way too awkward. When Logan and I first started hanging out Jeff actually thought we were going out but all our fighting made him realize otherwise.

Flash Back
‘Mmmmm, warm sun, yummy smelling grass’ I thought to myself. ‘Never moving, not ever.’
“Lee! Get up!” whispered Logan.
“No not moving,” I grumble making it sound more like “nargaglarmmmm”.
“Lee, come on. I want you to meet my other best friend. Come on Lee get up off your fat ass!” Logan said a little louder.
“No!” I mumble again, this time a little more clearly.
“Hey man it’s okay, I can meet your new girlfriend another time,” Jeff said.
“No man don’t go, and she’s not my girlfriend, right Leila?”
“WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?” I screeched jumping to my feet.
“Leila, I want you to meet my other best friend, Jeff meet Lee,” He said with a smug smile on his face.
“That is it! Twice, you fucking said it twice! Oh you are so dead Logan Tyler Jackson Walker! I am going to kick your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week!”
“Ooooh I shaking in my non existent boots,” Logan said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Oh that is it! Arrrrrg!” I screamed again tackling to the ground and punching him repeatedly in the chest.
“Okay! Okay I’m sorry I’ll never call you- that again!” He said almost saying that awful name again but thinking better of it.
“Damn right you will, I have to deal with two annoying older brothers so what made you think I couldn’t take you? Any ways it doesn’t matter, nice to meet you Jeff and yeah Logan and I definitely aren’t dating,” I say with a snort looking at his shocked face.
My phone buzzed ‘Time for dinner’ the text said.
“Gotta go guys, see you around.”
End Flash Back

‘Ahhh good times, good times’ I think to myself.