Status: I'll try to update as often as I can


Chapter four

“No fair! You’re cheating some how. You always cheat!” Logan cries throwing down his remote.
“You wish bud, I’m kicking your ass because I’m naturally good. Do we have to have the talk about dealing with my older brothers again…? I have to be good at some things jeez I thought you wanted a strong independent woman,” I snort.
“Okay fine, your brothers taught you how to cheat with out getting caught,” he smirks at me thinking he’s had the come back of the century. Look I know he sucks at those but being better than some one is a good reason for keeping them around, you get to show off. Just Kidding!
“Oooh that doesn’t fair to well for our relationship now does it,” I reply with an equally confident smirk, watching his face fall.
“You just got told little cousin!” booms a deep voice.
“No Way! Aaron! I can’t believe you’re here! You are here for the whole summer right?” I scream excitedly.
“Yeah I’m here all summer, we’re going to party it up right?” Aaron laughs.
“Oh you know it man!” says Logan unenthusiastically. What can I say, he doesn’t like being burned, especially not around some one who can hold it against him like Aaron. Damn that boy never forgets anything.
“Hey La remember last summer when you won 20 games in a row against Lo? I bet my friends back home that you would do it again so we have to record it okay?”
“Oh my God I totally remember that. It’s still one of the best days of my life! And really it’s still La and Lo? You make it sound like we’re twins,” I say sticking my tongue out at him.
Laughing he replied, “Well you guys practically are, if I didn’t know better I would say you’re dating. That’s not possibly though cause if you were you wouldn’t fight as much and try and kill each other.”
“Hey why are you looking so pointedly at me? I haven’t tried to kill him in almost 4 years. It’s not my fault that he slips up and say that god awful name,” I say shrugging.
Aaron just laughs at me while Logan pouts like a child.
“Well I happen to like that ‘god awful’ name that you hate so much. When I like something I talk about it,” Logan says childishly, still pouting.
“Well this whole arguing thing is getting a little old, let’s do something kidlets!” shouts Aaron. He’s always be a rather loud person.
“Soccer!” I holler at the top of my lungs.
“Aaron’s in net!” shouts Logan.
“Damn I just got here and it’s already gang up on Aaron, what is with you two and the whole teaming up thing? Jeff wouldn’t stop talking about that all of spring break while we were stuck inside while you two were off hitting the slopes.”
“Whatever. Lee try not to kick it too hard this time we don’t want Aaron overexerting himself and getting hurt again. This time he’ll complain about not being about to wakeboard and tube,” Logan says nonchalantly.
“Okay I think we should stop now.. I don’t want to hurt either of you,” I say breezily and the guys bend over, hands on their knees trying to catch their breathe.
“Damn, I remember you being good, but not that good.”
“What can I say, I’m just a natural. 15 goals and I’m not even out of breath. Well I have to go get some water for you tired boys. Buh-bye! See you in a few…” I skip off.
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I know it's been a while but here you go.
Aaaaaannnnd possibly a double update tonight