
Dressing Up:

Disregarding everything, but the suit, I stare at for a good long while. Ofcause I have to wear the suit. Her, she is female, at least to me she is. No care for what others would say if they knew.

While I stare at her, I find myself moving, I'm about to slip into her. I feel she desire for me to slip into her. She want me to slip in, for me to feel the joy. Her desires, and I can't really say I want, or even can resist.

Neither do I want to, there is something in her calling. Something that make me feel as if what she offers me, is what I've been yearning for all my life, even before the time I was born into this world. How ever that could be?

There is no how or why, it's what I feel. From the instant I set eyes on her, even while I feel my foot slipping in. My feet slipping inside of her, one at the time, first the right, then the left.

I know I'm helpless, I can't resist, as if I could desire such a thing. As it turned out, my feet soon slipped through the suit, leaving my body covered in no time. I slip my hands in, slowly pulling my arms upwards, feeling the suit slip up my body.

In the next instant, my time, she is covering me from the neck down.