Sequel: Happiness is a Myth
Status: Sequel is out! Go and Read it!!

Life ain't a Fairy Tale

On the day I was born, my mother died. Minutes later, my father had a heart attack. My grandparents took me in and named me Zoya after a good friend of theirs. I went to school in their home country of Russia, loving my life. But my grandparents were worried about something so they brought me over to America. Sadly, when I turned 7, both of them died when I needed tem the most. I did the only thing that made sense to me at the time: run away. I did anything I could to stay alive - robbing people, selling "specialty" items, you name it. Unfortunately for me, the cops always found me. After running from society and the cops for 10 years, I came across a school that had no idea who I am, or so I thought. Two of the "teachers" say that they know something about my parents and plan on keeping me at this school. One way or another, I'm breaking out of this joint, even if it means killing people.