Status: Complete.

Peepshow Ruffles

Chapter Eleven

“My name is Adele” explained the divine lady before him, a tone of disappointment lurking in her melodious tone.

Rubbing the back of his neck slowly, whilst portraying a demeanor which consisted of total discomfort, Christian questioned why this delectable woman had irregularly entered his room at the grand hour of 6 O’clock. Oblivious to her reasoning, he decided to temporarily neglect this strange occurrence, and focus on seeming at ease, avoiding startling the distressed female before him. Surely, frantic females generally visit perplexed poets in the early hours of the morning.

Dressed in romantic attire, the mysterious young lady smirked as Christian managed to stutter an insufficient sentence, her auburn curls mirroring the pleats in her scarlet silk robe.

“Ah... Erm... Well, Madame, may I help you?” Grimacing as he uttered the jumble of words, which he himself barely understood, especially when paired with a weary murmur. Christian began to clear his throat, preparing to repeat his previous phrase with, perhaps, a little more… attentiveness.

The young lady’s face flourished, her cheeks blooming as a brisk giggle fell from her fickle lips. Tugging at the substitute gown in which she stood, the Asian silk rippling around her ankles, she placed a tray of delicious delights on a nearby oak table. At the sight of these delightable treats, the swiftly starving artist felt an unpleasant flutter from his stomach, almost as if it had been a warning. His mouth frothed with the scent of heated chocolate combined with fresh dough, in a cluttered combination of savory delicacy.

“Madame, I do not know you, and if I do, I‘m very sorry for my lack of memory, but I assure you that if I do not consume a mere crumb of that delectable food you have delivered, I shall starve. “ Christian pleaded, his aim obvious to the amused woman, Adele.

Laughter continued to rain upon the Elephant, as the female gestured towards the silver platter. Lifting his hand to the Savior before him, a thought occurred, causing him to pause in an awkward position.

To his dismay, Christian realized that he lacked in appropriate apparel, remaining wrapped in a veil of cotton bed linen. Instantly bashful, his flawless skin practically camouflaged the same shade of his acquaintances’ dainty gown. Retracting an awkward hand from an ungracefully frozen scene, carefully reaching for his threaded screen, securing it, as to prevent exposure.

Gazing once again at the resplendent guest, the paranoid poet peered in awe at the wonder twirling around his shattered paradise. Charming silk cascaded around the misplaced mistress, as marble pupils swam in her moonlight eyes. Sophisticated copper entwined around a sublime smile, causing particles of beauty to disperse around the mesmerizing space.

Noticing Christian’s sudden grievous quandary, the enticing Madame sluggishly tugged the door open, stepping backwards into a dismal morning. Her bare feet oozing with anguish, as they discreetly struck the uneven wooden panels of destitute.

Despite the blinding beauty that caused the morning sun to flood the room with pure Montmartre malfeasance, Christian barely felt a spark for the staggeringly elegant woman. Although he realized her beauty, as it was impossible to deny, his affections could only be conquered by distant memories.
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Silk tea; Haha, one day, I will leave you with the worst cliffhanger, because I'm such a nice person xD