Help Wanted

"What the hell, Ruki!?"

I can't believe it, I thought. I got it! I actually got it! I walked up the steps to my shared apartment and unlocked the door, hyper and ecstatic that I finally got the job.

Feeling like a little kid on Christmas morning, and deciding to annoy my roommates, I opened the door and yelled out, "Honey, I'm home!" in a deep tone.

I heard a burst of laughter, followed by a "What the hell, Ruki!?" in the next room over, so I followed the voice, practically having a bounce in my steps. I reached the kitchen to find Kai mopping up a spray of liquid on the counter, and Uruha wiping off the floor.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What happened here?" I noticed a open can of Coke sitting up on the counter, the light brown liquid pooling around the rim. I pieced together what had happened, or what I assume had happened: Someone was mid drink when I came in, and the burst of laughter was from said person. Uruha grabbed the can and drank from it. Well. I guess I know who thought I was amusing.

"Oh, nothing," Uruha said, setting the can down with as much dignity as he could muster.

Kai glared at him. "Nothing my ass! You spewed Coke everywhere! And I just cleaned!"

"Oh, shut up you OCD freak," Uruha retorted, before turning to me. "So, what's got you all hyper and fidgety?"

Kai rolled his eyes, unamused at Uruha's retort before turning to me. "Yeah, what's up with the I Love Lucy Entrance?"

"Well, I got the job!" I said, my face glowing with excitement.

"You mean the one at the Animal Shelter? That fancy one up a district?" Uruha asked, waving in the direction assumed to be "up a district", as he put it.

"Yes!" I nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, congrats buddy, you've joined the ranks of the employed," Uruha replied, lifting his can ceremoniously before taking a drink.

I grinned like an idiot, amused at his antics. I heard a shuffle from the stairwell, and a mumbling of, "What's this about a job?" I turned around to see Reita rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning.

"Well, good morning sleeping beauty! Who kissed you awake?" Uruha asked, teasing all the way.

Reita rolled his eyes and replied rather dryly, "My Ruki Alarm Clock, genius." He had a knack for waking up whenever he heard me in the house. Guess who was assigned to wake him up every morning? "I ask again, what is this about a job?" he asks, turning to me.

"Oh!" I exclaim, getting all excited again. "I got my job at that Animal Shelter I was telling you about!" If I were to run around in circles, I would've. But that would've been undignified of me to do so.

Reita's eyes lit up. "Yes!" and he fist pumped, and brought me into a tight hug, practically glomping me. We spun around while we hugged, and heard a disgusted sound from Uruha.

"Ugh, guys, go get a room, please!," he asked, clicking his tongue out at our public display of affection.

We then started playing around, fake grinding into each other and moaning before Uruha stomped off shouting, "Oh screw you guys!"

He left all three of us in a puddle of laughter on the floor.

"Just say when and where, baby," I shouted back, causing him to groan and slam the door.
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Comments are love. <3