
Mechanical Joy

Choice and Acceptance:

“A two loves for one deal!” she had said.
She had chosen a particular centaur replacement body. I can't blame her. The body of her choice is a spectacular beauty. Looking as if it was to fit her particularly well too. She had chosen a black Lusitano filly. The entire body glistering black. Should make a utter gloss counter point.

Since she had made her choice, we were ready to leave her, since the rest was up to the surgeon, and her assisting nurses. Naturally, we had brought all needed materials for her work.

A nurse who had been present, had already scurried of, fetching the surgeon. The instant she got the word, the surgical theatre was prepared. We left everything in the theatre, for her to do her job. Now, as it went down, our job here is done.

Only we could not leave all together. I felt we had to see how it was to go, thus we placed ourselves in the guest space.