
Mechanical Joy

At The Beach:

I had decided to take my busyness to the beach. that could be a great opportunity for marketing, all I need is to have a good looking girl with me, who would agree to wear the tail.

Ofcourse I had placed a poster on the door of my shop. The girl I was looking for had entered the shop a few days earlier. I had taken the car, and pulled the tail with me.
She had promised to show, so I take her word for it. She will be paid for the job, ofcourse, considering her looks, she would be a great help, marketing my works. She's such a nice girl, and there she is, just on time too. We then carried the tail out.

She quickly slips into the suit, it fits just as good as expected, I had after all chosen the tail that would fit her, and made the last adjustments. All we need to do now, is to wait for the tide. Thankfully, that did not take too long. Before that, she had some time to gather attention, which she seems to be very good at, as if it came natural to her. She had everyone thrilled, staring at her, and the new tail. Ofcourse she also wear the gloves that comes with the tail. She also wear the ears, I had managed to combine gills into the ears. For this particular mermaid tail model I had chosen a metallic electric blue, leaving the tail fins semi transparent. Since she have her legs, the dolphin tails was the only reasonable option.

'The time came, and with it, came the tide, sucking her out with it. She had had little to no time to practice, but she was known to be a good swimmer before. There was no screams for help. None was expected. After a while, people slipped into the water. They all wanted to follow her out, to see her swim. Naturally, she did swim. Everyone who dared the waves, going out, saw her swim.

I know they stayed out for a good long while. Then the tide went back in. Revealing her to be where she had started out She had swam back to where she started out. Everyone had swam back by now. More people came to see her, to see and be part of the joy. Then she slipped out of the tail, so that I could take the tail back.