Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

What did I do?

Vampires. Some say they are violent and are there to kill everyone and turn them. I say whoever says that is a liar!

My name is Alexandra Alyse. I am sixteen and I live with my godparents. My mom and dad are always on the go so I say what the heck? Edward is my godfather. He's pretty cool but he gets overprotective sometimes. Bella is my godmother of course. She does too but not as as bad. If you haven't guessed yet they are vampires. Cool right?

"Alex let's go! You'll be late for school!"

That was Bella. She drives me to school since she goes there too (and have been going for a long time).

"I'm coming!"

I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. Edward was at the bottom of the stairs waiting.

"Finally!" He said throwing up his hands.

"Hey girls take a long time to get ready. Renesmee let's go!"

Edward's daughter. Her names is Renesmee. Her name is derived from the amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and Edward's adoptive mother, Esme. She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has her grandfather, Charlie Swan's, curly hair, and brown eyes like Bella. Bella and Jacob describe her as being the most beautiful person in the world, even though she is so young. Her heart pumps blood, giving her a blush, and her pale skin glows in the sunlight. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, but it is as strong as a vampire's.

"Sis! You beat me today!"

I ruffled her curly hair. "Only because you let me, Nessie."

"Don't forget I'm gonna be twelve next week, sis!"

I laughed. It was amazing how she looked so old but was so young/

"Let's go both of you. Bella's waiting in the truck."

We knew she was. We heard the horn ever five seconds.

We ran out side, of course I was the last one, and hoped in the car.

When we got to school I went to class. I'm in the tenth grade, Bella and Edward's in the eleventh (for about a decade or so) and Nessie is in the sixth.

"Hey, Alex!"

I turned to see my friends, Karen and Nathaniel aka Nate.

"Karen! Nate! How are you guys?"

Karen came and gave me a huge hug.


She let me go and apologized.

"Guess I don't know my own strength."

I nodded and gave a big hug to Nate.

"Hey, how have you been, Alex?"

"Great! How about you guys?"

"Good. Let's go. We'll be late for class."

I nodded and we walked off to class.

I was sitting by Karen, and my seat right by the window. Why? So when I drown out my teacher I have something to look at.

But today something was weird. A man walked in front of the school. He had brown short hair and his face was pale. But then again in Forks, that's not out of the ordinary. It was his eyes that caught me. They were red. It must have made me jump cause Karen asked what was wrong.

"Um..." I looked but the man was gone. "Nothing. I just thought I saw something."


I looked at the teacher. He must be about to ask me a question.


"You are needed in the office."

What did I do?
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my second fan-fiction so enjoy. It's for Alex1309 =). She iis actually the main character. Hope you like it!