Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

Mad and scared do not mix

Okay so it's been a week and Demetri and I are kinda together. I say kinda because we aren't open about it or Edward would kill both of us.

Nate and Karen, however are a different story. They are an official couple! They have already had their first date. I refused to go because I would've been a third wheel. I couldn't invite Demetri because then Edward would know. So they pretty much are good.

Tristan has really taken this 'I'm your girl' thing too far. He is seriously treating me like I'm his pet. I'm not really anything to him but he's so violent. I don't want to set him off. Then Demetri would kill him and so forth.

Well now I'm home for school break. I was hoping the family could spend the break together but I guess not.

"We have to go meet with the volturi, Alex" Edward said.

"Aw, no one can stay?" I asked.

"Nope. Not even Nessie."

"How come?"

"Because we don't trust her and Jacob without us watching them."

I saw Nessie roll her eyes and smirk. Yeah, I should have known he wouldn't trust those two.

Bella gave me a hug. "We will be back soon."

I heard a knock on the door.

Edward opened the door. That girl...Jane I think was her name, walked in.

"We are ready."


Just then Demetri walked in. I felt my heart leap but I tried to hide it. I saw Jasper look at me. I turned to him and shook my head telling him to forget about it. I forgot about his ability.

They all started walking out, everyone stopping to give me a hug. Just before Demetri closed the door he looked at me and I started smiling. His lips twitched. He wanted to smile so badly. Then he closed the door.

I ran upstairs and watched them get into two separate cars. Edward was about to get in, but he stopped and looked into the forest. Bella pulled him in the car and they drove off.

Okay. Now what do I do?

Well it is break so I think I'll just watch some t.v.

I went into the kitchen to get something to eat before I start watching t.v. Just when I found something I heard glass break upstairs. Crap, someone broke through my window.

I got the biggest knife I could and slowly, and quietly went up the stairs. I hope whatever broke in was human. I can't deal with getting attacked by another vampire or werewolf.

I slowly opened my room door and heard someone going through my things. This was it. I had to strike now.

I ran in getting ready to stab whoever it was but I stopped. Out of fear I dropped the knife and tried to run back out. I needed to call Edward, or Bella...anybody! But before I could leave the room he grabbed my hair and yanked me back causing me to scream.

"You should have left with your family, Alex. Then maybe you would have avoided me."

"Why are you here, Tristan?"

He was looking at this old photo of me while holding my hair so I wouldn't run. "I knew you wouldn't let me in so I just broke in."


He chuckled and set the picture down. He pulled me up but was still holding my hair.

"You're my girl. I can't visit you?"

"What's the real reason you're here? And let go of my hair!" I said trying to get loose. I stopped, to painful.

"Lately you have been avoiding me. I know you've been with that leech. I smell him on you sometimes. Like right after you come from your walks in the forest."

"It shouldn't matter! I'm not your property!"

He yanked my hair. "Oh yes you are and I need you to start acting like it."

He pushed me and I stumbled back a bit.

"I'm not your property! I will not start acting like it! You need to act like a freaking human being!"

He slapped me. And it hurt. I was shocked. I tasted blood on the right side. I got mad and scared. Those two should never go together or you'll end up doing something stupid. Like what I'm about to do.

I gathered all the blood in my mouth and spit it in his face.

He grabbed me by my neck and slammed me against the wall. Now he's choking me and I have nothing to do about it. I tried kicking, hitting, scratching. None of it worked. I felt tears starting to fall.

"" I choked out.
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Well hope you enjoy this one. I am a sucker for some drama! Love it! Well later! Comment!