Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned


"How much do you like him?" Edward asked again.

My jaw clenched, "I..... I...."

Edward put his hands on my shoulders and shook me lightly, "Alexandra Alyse Brandon! Answer me dammit!"

Bella put on hand on Edward, and he calmed down almost instantaneously,

I didn't want to answer. If I told him the truth he might separate us. I sat there with my head down. He got frustrated and left the room.

Bella came up to me. "Do you know how dangerous that is? Volturi kill people."

"If he wanted to kill me I would have already been dead." I said hoping I could get her on my side.

"It doesn't matter. He could have killed you! And he knows where you live!"

"But he saved me! Once from vampires and twice from Tristan!"

She looked just as mad as Edward did not too long ago. Speaking of the devil he just walked back in...with Demetri!

I looked at Demetri. I didn't know what Edward was planing but I didn't like it.

"I brought you here to tell you, in front of Alex, to stay away from her."

I was gonna say something but Demetri shook his head. He took a deep breath.

"Alright, if you give me one reason why I can't be with Alex, I will leave."

Edward didn't know what to say. For a minute I thought Demetri had won, but Edward must have thought of something because his face changed.

"You are volturi. if Aro finds out he'll want her turned and join you guys. I'm sure you don't want that."

My heart sunk and so did my emotions.

Demetri looked down and Edward looked like he won. He actually looked smug about it!

Finally Demetri nodded and looked up. "You're right. I don't want that. I will respect your wishes and stay away from Alexandra."

He said my full name. Was he that willing to do it?

Edward nodded and, after one last look at me, he walked out.

I looked at Edward.

"What the hell?!"

Edward looked at me shocked.

"Who are you to say I can't see him?! So what I have to be miserable because you have a problem with the volturi?! And then you dangle the fact that you and Bella are together in front of my face! So if you two can be together why can't we?!"

Edward didn't know what to say. Bella didn't either.

"We're different!" said Edward.


"We actually loved each other!"

"Well you know what,Edward.... I love him!" I said, then ran out of the room, leaving them shocked and confused.

I ran into the forest. I tried to find Demetri but he wasn't anywhere. He actually did what Edward said...

"Demetri..." I said. He was gone! No!

I ran to the meadow. Not here. I just stood there. I can't believe he actually listened to Edward.

I was about to walk backwards and tripped but someone caught me.

I turned.


I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck.


I got down. "Sorry! Forgot about the whole wanting my blood thing."

He smiled and came close.

"I don't want to stay away from you, Alex"

"I don't want you to."

He touched my cheek. I put my hand on his.

"I love you, Alex. I just wish I wasn't...what I am. Then maybe I could be with you."

"I love you too, Demetri."

"Don't cry."

I looked up. I didn't know I was crying.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you. I should have listened to you. If I had stayed away..."

"No! no..."

Now he had my face cupped in his hands. His forehead was on mine.

"If you had stayed away, Alex, I wouldn't have forgot about you. I wouldn't have just walked away and not thought twice about you. I would have kept following you. Knowing more about you would be like a hobby, an addiction."

I smiled. No matter what he would want to be with me.

He kissed me. I knew it was hard for him to control himself but right now I didn't care. I didn;t want him to go.

I kissed back. He was holding his breath.

I broke the kiss.

"I love you. But I don't want you to have to stop breathing to kiss me."

He smiled.


We both looked and saw Edward, pissed off and ready to strike.

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Hope you like this chapter! Comment! I still need ideas!